Sunday, February 27, 2011

Much Needed...

Relaxation.  The weekend was full of it.  No plans, no travels, no schedule.  It was fabulous. 

Did a little shopping for spring (it is SO close).
Did some playing outside...picnic lunch included.

And did lots of this...

Yep. Jumping on the couch cushions is allowed at this house. And enjoyed by all. 

Cannot believe how big she is getting...this was her last year at this's like she's not even the same person!
And the hair...I'm in love.

I just keep thinking about how fast time is going...
and how there needs to be more time taken to just relax and soak up all of this. 

They make me so happy.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Must Have.

First things first.  Congratulations goes out to three dear friends who all gave birth to precious little ones over the past week, Juliet Carys, Joseph Daniel, and Rell Viola.  They are absolutely adorable babies and have been born into the most awesome and caring families ever. 

So babies.  They're pretty much the most amazing thing ever.  It's unbelievable to comprehend the fact that two people could create such a 'being.'  They smell wonderful.  They could not get any cuter.

When you have your first baby, everything is surreal.  You can't believe you are a parent.  You are responsible for someone other than yourself.  Someone who is very small, doesn't do very much, but is very, very needy.  If they are anything like our little ones, they cry, quite frequently to be in fact, and don't sleep nearly as much as you were told they would.  You realize that your life will never be the same, and although you may think that is not so good at first, it is very, very good.  They become the center of your universe and you have a hard time remembering what life was like without them in it.  That's baby number one.

Enter number two. 
Before you actually become a family of four, you have no idea how you could ever love another child as much as you love the first.  Completely and absolutely possible.  They add to the family more so than you could ever imagine.  For us, we became complete.  And for me, many lessons have been learned. 

With two, there are many things that a parent must posses. 
A million hands...because 2 just doesn't cut it.  A tolerance for noise and a messy house...24/7.  Patience...and a lot of it.  A double stroller...key during good weather months to get you not only some much-needed exercise, but to get you the heck out of those four walls!  The ability to be a referee....especially with 2 of the same gender...they want whatever the other one has ALL THE TIME.  And even if you have something 'similar' to replace it with...nope, that's not good must be the EXACT same thing.  Alone time...everyday...even for 10 minutes...essential.  And finally, a really good sense of humor...because if you don't laugh at a lot of what they do, good luck to you. 

But in addition to all of these things, the most important thing that I've found that I MUST have is this...playdates.  When I had just one baby, I never really took playdates so seriously.  They were fun to have here and there, but I didn't need  them like I do now.  We went through a period of three weeks when we couldn't get our group of 4 moms & 8 kids together and I nearly had a mental breakdown (kidding...sort of.)  After finally getting the chance to reunite today, I am back to normal.  There is something so great about it...can't put it into words at the moment, but it's just rejuvenating.  The kids go and play and us moms can talk about anything.  And that's what we do.  We drink coffee, we eat chocolate cake, we laugh.  It's just so good to hear that other people are going through the same things that you makes you feel human again, which is easy not to feel when you have kids...

I love my 'playdate moms.'  Whether you have one, two, or ten children...I highly recommend finding your own.  If you find a group as great as mine, you will love it just as much and it will be one of the highlights of your week as well.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reasons to Celebrate!

It's been awhile because we've been a little busy doing a lot of celebrating over the past few time!

He turned 1!
Happy Birthday sweet Dominic!

We danced, we ate cake, we had a blast!

And later that evening, it was time to celebrate her big 3-0...

Happy Birthday Colleen!
We shared laughs with family & friends we haven't seen for way too long...

And the girls partied like it was Mardi Gras!

And last night, we surprised this soon-to-be 30 year-old!..(oh to be young again!)
Happy Birthday Corey!
We pulled it off...even the Sherlock Holmes in her didn't have us ALL figured out!

We were out til  2, danced amongst 21 year olds, and a 'dance circle' was formed...

And today we have tired eyes...

But we wouldn't have changed a thing.  Everything was perfect.  Three awesome people and three great reasons to celebrate-it's been a fabulous February!

Monday, February 14, 2011

From the Beginning

Candy. Cards. Flowers. What's not to love, right? 
Not gonna lie...I've never been a big fan of Valentine's Day.  Outside the box...again.  Maybe it's because back in those 'formative' days, I was always the single one.  The one everyone felt sorry for.  The one all the girls (who had boyfriends) bought candy for just to make her feel 'more loved.'  Pathetic is what I felt like.  And my mom did her best to try and change me into a lover of this day of 'love' but each year I still went to school dressed in b-l-a-c-k.
Fast forward 15 years...there's more love to go around this place than imaginable.  From TOH, to my girls who have (strategically!) been trained to love their mama!, to great friends, to amazing family, the cup of love is overflowin'.
Take this, for example, a post that was put on Facebook the other day from a fellow co-worker/friend...
"Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting."
-Mother Theresa

At the end of this, she stated that it reminded her of me....what??  I thought I had misread it. 
In all honesty, I thought it was one of those things that you tagged like 10 people in, but later came to find out that no, that was not that case.  I was the lone soldier, the only recipient.  God love her. 

But no matter how much love there may be, there has always been something that has made me dislike the whole idea of Valentine's Day...

Then came Vday 2006. 
Although I won't dive into major details...someone I have always and will forever hold forever very close to my heart was taken from us on this day.  At first, I was angry. Very angry. I was selfish.  I didn't understand.  When I was alone, I cried...for days.  She was amazing.  She was one-of-a-kind.  She was unlike any other.  Why?  Why did she have to be the one?  It wasn't fair.  And on this of all days.  This was supposed  to be a day of love. 
But as the days passed, it all started to make sense.  (And I apologize now if this is starting to get too deep-bail out now if you're not all for it because it will only get deeper).  As I sat in that church and listened to everyone talk about how wonderful her life was and what an amazing person she was, I actually gained a lot of clarity.  Through all of my tears, through all of the Kleenexes, I had revelations.  Lots of them.  For the first time in my life I looked a death in a totally different way than I had ever done before.  She had a purpose in her life.  She taught us all lessons.  She achieved what she was meant to do here.  She made an unbelievable impression on everyone that she came in contact with.  She made everyone she knew a better person.

There are only a handful of you who will know this amazing person I am talking about, and for those of you who don't, please don't ask, because even though I know you care, I'm not up for sharing.  (Sorry, I know that sounds harsh...but this is one of the more personal posts I've written & just don't feel like harm intended!)

Since the beginning, I have always known there was something about Valentine's Day & me that didn't mix well. And in between all the cards, homemade valentines, roses, champagne, and chocolates that fill our house today, inside I celebrate this holiday in a different kind of way than most probably do. It's full of love...just a very different  kind of love.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just Wondering...

Things I've found myself questioning this week...

Why is it allowed to be dreary & cold in one place for any longer than 8 weeks?

Why do kids draw on everything but the paper you put in front of them?

Why is it that I always seem to pick the worst, longest line at the store?

Why do old people like Butter Pecan ice cream?

Why do they only poop after you put a new diaper on?

Why are Steeler fans so crazy?

Why do they only spill on their clothes when they don't have a bib on?

Why are all the new episodes on on the same night?

Why do you sleep really well on the nights that the kids are up every two hours?

Why do we worry about things that don't end up to be a worry at all?

Why do kids find joy out of jumping on couch cushions?

Why do I always pick the shopping cart that makes the loudest, most annoying sound?

Why can I drink a lot and feel great the next day, and drink a little and feel terrible???

Please tell me I'm not the only one...