Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Weekly Favorites

Hope you are enjoying this first full week of fall at your house as much as we are here...mulled cider candles are burning, pumpkin spice lattes are overflowing, and crockpot dinners are roasting! Loving every minute! 

Thanks to all of you who have jumped over to see what's happening on Pinterest!  Isn't it fun?  If you want an invitation to check things out, just send me an email and I would be happy to send you an invite.  In the meantime, here's a little of what I love this week...

Source:  Pinterest
The whole kitchen is awesome...but yes, the wine wall sold me!

Source:  Pinterest
Everything about this outfit screams fabulous.

Source:  Pinterest

Caramel Stuffed Apple Cider cookies.  Holy Cow.

Source:  Pinterest

I love the amount of love and innocence in this.
Source:  Pinterest

Chalkboard paint inside your child's lunchbox...a much better way to send notes to school than the old-school paper napkin way!
Source:  Pinterest

Words to live by.

 Have a fantastic rest of the week and weekend, friends!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

This Weekend

I will be wearing these...

Franco Sarto Women's Road Boot

And a scarf, a turtleneck, a sweater, and perhaps a jacket...

Fall is here. 

Especially in the Windy City.

Girls Weekends Are the Best!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Change of Season, Change of Hobby

Goodbye.  So long.  Or, I guess I should say, 'I'm over you.'  Sorry, Facebook, but the fondness I once shared for you has expired.  It's been fun, but you've been replaced.
I've found a new love.  A new 'something' to take up my time after the house is quiet at night.  It's dangerously wonderful.  It is never-ending.  It has something for everyone.  And I feel like I may actually do something with the knowledge and ideas I gain from this new found love. 

Enough stalling already...time for you to love it's called Pinterest.  It's a place where you can put together your favorite recipes, home decorating ideas, DIY projects, fashion ideas, and pretty much anything you can think of.  My new goal is to attempt to share my favorite weekly finds on here each Wednesday...we'll see if I can make it happen.

Here are a few of this week's faves...

Source: via Megan on Pinterest
How simple is this...I want these all through my house.

Source: via Megan on Pinterest
And how cute would this be for the girls??

Source: via Megan on Pinterest
I've got four out of the eight items shown here covered...halfway this look.

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

I love everything about photography.  I adore this photo. 
If I were ever to become a photographer,
I would make this one of my standard poses. 
And if we were ever to have another baby,
we would without a doubt have this taken of us.

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

Apples.  Caramel.  Candy Coating.  Sprinkles.  Hello, Delicious.

So that, my friends is a little of what gets me this week.  If you want to see more favorites, click the red button over on the side of the page that says 'Follow Me on Pinterest' would be great to have you!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

One She Will Always Remember

Birthdays are usually remembered by the party you have, the cake, perhaps a special present.

This year, Bug will remember her birthday as this...

the day she wiped her little sister's tears as she went to pre-school for the first time. 

It was precious.  Totally raw and unscripted.  And despite her sadness, my heart could not have been more full.  They have more love for each other (at least for now-I know!) and as a mom, this could not make me happier.  And even though it was Bug's birthday, this was the one of the best gifts I could have ever received.

Her first day at school was great day-she got to take in a special treat to share (which was followed by the candles and singing!), she got to wear a birthday crown all day, sit in the special chair during storytime, and got a birthday prize to bring home.  (The poor girl isn't going to know what to do with herself when it's just a regular day tomorrow!)...Here's a look into the rest of her birthday weekend celebration...

A great weekend with Aunt Kiki and Aunt Shannon

All dressed up & celebrating with Addie, Bug, Anna, & Kater-tot
(there were frog boots and a purse set aside in honor of a certain someone!)

Her traditional 'number' cake!

The only thing (other than a pony!) that she asked dad.

We've got one happy 4 year old!

365 x 4

I remember being a kid and the time would go by sooooo terribly slow.  The summer would drag on forever and the days were endless.  Old people would always say, 'Enjoy it now, because when you are older the time will just fly by.'  I thought they were full of it. 

We have had Bug for four years.  An entire high school or college lifetime.  When I look at pictures of myself from four years ago, I think I look pretty similar...okay, the muscles that used to be toned are now taking on more of a jello-like role, the teeth are a little more coffee-stained, and the circles under the eyes are a little darker...but other than that, not much has changed, thankfully.  Then there's her....the transformation little ones make in four years is just crazy.  They seriously grow up overnight without you even seeing it happen.  In honor of Bug's 4th birthday...a little look back at who she was and who she is (at least from my perspective!)...

Months 0-12...After the shock wore off that we had a girl and not a boy (even though we didn't have a sonogram to confirm, everyone-including myself-was for sure she was a boy!) we were in heaven with our baby girl.  The outfits that arrived were fabulous and I couldn't wait to play dress up with her.  She won over TOH's heart and they were inseparable-it melted my heart.  Despite her cuteness though, she cried...a lot.  Some said they thought she had colic, and who knows to this day, but I had a lot of nights where I had to go for some long walks while she stayed home with her dad-thank God for him and his patience!  He was (is) so good with her (and babies in general) and he was a lifesaver in so many situations.  Some people are lucky to have really calm, laid back babies and others say their babies never cry, but I don't sugar-coat, she was a crier...and I love her for it.  She knew what she wanted and she knew how to get it!  To sum up her first twelve months...we called her 'very touchy' never knew what you were gonna get...but regardless, this baby was loved to pieces.
Happy with Aunt Kiki~9 months

12-24 Months...Simply put, an absolute JOY.  There was a switch that someone turned on and she became the happiest baby on the block.  I don't know if it was because she was able to start vocalizing what she wanted or because she was finally mobile (this girl never rolled over, never crawled, and didn't walk until 14 months!!)...but something happened and everything that went down during her first year was totally erased!  She became the most outgoing, social, hilarious, and pleasant little girl and she made everyone around her smile and laugh.  It was such a blessing after all that crabbiness!

Classic Bug...22 months

Year 2-3...Classified as the "Miss Independent" year.  This was when she grew up the most.  Started talking in full sentences.  Her memory blew us out of the water.  We weren't prepared for such a little person to know and do so much so fast.  My fondest memory of her at this age was a close friend telling us that she was the most polite 2 year old they had ever met...oh the good old days! 

Busy woman on the go...2 1/2 years

Year 3-4...To me, this was by far, the year that made me cry the most.  I know it's hard to believe, but I really didn't get emotional about things until this past year when I realized how fast this whole 'childhood' thing is really going!!  Once she started not sitting with me at Storytime anymore, taking dance classes, teaching her sister things instead of having me teach her, and then the whole pre-school thing...I just lost it!  She is totally, 100% not a baby anymore...she likes to shut her bedroom door and get into bed herself, she likes to put together her own dinner, she gets into the car and buckles herself up on her own...I mean, why am I even around??!! 

And that hilarious side I's a few recent examples of her work...

Riding along in a shopping cart last week...out of the blue...'Mama, you are sweetness!'

As we're giving hugs before bed...'I love you deep in my heart, mom.'

Yet again, in the bathroom where so many of our good stories happen...'Oops, I just had some gas. You know I picked that gas up when I was at the gas station yesterday.'

In the midst of having a 3 1/2 year old 'fit'...she says to me in the most soap-opera dramatic voice, 'Mama, I am a wreck. Just a wreck.'

As I am on my hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor...I hear these uplifting words of advice: 'You should put on the Cinderella song, Mama, because you are just like her!'

I am so proud of her...of who she has become, and who I know she is going to be.  And for now...this is who she wants to be...her exact words...'A movie star.  One who lives in Hollywood.'

We are all in trouble.

To sum it all up...for those who are new parents or about to become new parents...the best advice I ever received after having her was this...'Never wish away any moment...Don't ever say you can't wait until they can do something else.'  Because they will do it...way quicker than you ever wanted it to really happen...and then all you will want to do is rewind.  Enjoy.Every.Second.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Quick Rewind

6am...My final shower that I take as a 'me.'  Not a 'mom.'  For you moms out there, you know what I mean.

7:30am  They break the water.  Not one of the most pleasant things I've experienced in my life.  But after several non-stress tests, they said it's what was best for the, we follow directions. 

8am...Pitocin begins its magic.

9am...I am seriously wondering why people complain about this...I am reading magazines, watching tv, eating popsicles...Life is good.

11am.  Bam.  Crying.  Hard.  Please.Stop.The.Pain. 

11:30am...I tried really, really hard to go as long as I could, but it was so extemely painful and I had no idea how much longer it was going to go on, so I went straight for them.  Drugs.  Now.  Please.  Thank you.

11:40am...Wow.  Back to normal.  Time for a quick nap. 

2pm...We're 6 hours looks good, no issues, about 8cm along.  Dr. says we're doing great.  Whatever you say. 

3pm...Go time.  WHAT?  Now??  But I don't know how?  'Push like you have to go to the bathroom.'  Oh...ok? 

5pm...Have been pushing for 2 be blunt...I suck at it.  Have no idea what I'm doing.  Everyone writes books and tells you what to do throughout those 40 weeks of having the baby inside your belly, but no one tells you how the heck to get it out!  My legs hurt like they have never hurt before.  I felt pain that I have never felt before.  In my head, I told myself this kid was going to be an only child. 

5:17pm...We became parents.  She was beyond amazing.  Big. Happy. Beautiful.

My two fondest memories as they swept her away for all the 'medical mysteries' they do in those first few minutes were: #1...asking the nurse if it was really supposed to hurt that bad....her response:  "No, honey...I'm really sorry...that epidural definitely did not work."  Oh. Fabulous.  Well, that makes me feel better.  And she also continued to explain to me how much harder the contractions are when you are induced.  I now consider myself Superwoman.  #2...I was hungrier than I have ever been in my life.  Other than a few dozen popsicles, I had not eaten anything in 24 hours, and for those of you who know me and how I like to eat, this was a lifetime.  All I remember is them handing me a menu as soon as they took Bug out of my arms and that turkey sandwich could not have arrived any faster.

Those were the hardest, most joyous, most memorable 12 hours of my life.  Seeing what I was able to put myself through, watching TOH and I together as we welcomed the first of our two loves into our lives, and immediately transitioning into the roll of 'parents' in such an was just mind-blowing.  From day one, she has been an absolute joy and we are honestly the luckiest people alive to have her as our daughter.  I never imagined that such a tiny little person could bring such an abundant amount of joy. 

Happy Birthday, Bug!