Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What a Difference a Year Makes

After just reading back through old posts from last year at this time, I cannot believe how much change takes place over the course of 365 days.  Worlds. 
This week last year we had the chance to see Bug perform in her first dance 'show' to us parents at her weekly dance class.  As you would have guessed, I was a crying mess and could hardly take pictures because I couldn't see clearly. Watching 3-year olds dance is beyond cute-it's their first time-and it's tearful. 
This year...totally not the case.  This time, the only tears I had were from laughing so hard.  Four year olds dancing are hysterical.  They are all trying their best to concentrate and do all the steps (which, by the way, are not so easy) and they are awkward, all over the place, and simply hilarious.  Hoping I recorded it, right? 

(In case you're wondering,
Bug is the middle one right in the front)

Watch it a few times, and you'll laugh even harder.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

What It's All About

You come across a good person every so often in your life.  Yesterday I came across a good one...a really, really good one.  Miss Linda.  I had met her once before and she seemed like a very nice woman.  She works with TOH, she is a grandmother, and she is sweet...what I had considered to be 'grandmother sweet.'  Until yesterday.
On that first day that we met (back in September), she invited the girls and me to a Christmas gift exchange.  She described it as a fun day for the girls to get dressed up and exchange gifts with other little girls their age.  So, off we went in our fancy dresses with our gifts in hand to our gift exchange luncheon.  Oh, how I was in for the surprise of my life.
We met at a local restaurant.  A very nice restaurant.  She had an entire room reserved.  The staff was ready and eager for us to arrive.  It was Christmas morning and I had no idea. 
There were a mix of children from ages two through ten.  They came from all backgrounds...all walks of life...all types of lifestyles.  They got along like they had been friends since they were born.  They laughed, they played, they shared.  There was no 'mine' or 'yours', no whining or crying, no fighting or pouting. 
Miss Linda started the girls off with lunch (which they ordered themselves and sat at their very own table--for 17!)...then they played games, had homemade desserts and then the gift-giving extravaganza began.  Not only did the girls exchange the gifts they had brought for each other, but Miss Linda had a 4-foot stocking full of individual gifts for each girl, toys for each girl, and a family gift for each the end of everything, there were tears from staff included.
It was unlike anything that I have ever seen before in my life.  Miss Linda is someone that I will forever strive to be.  She works hard.  Three jobs hard, to be exact.  She works for months to prepare for this every year.  She does this out of the pure goodness in her heart and would not accept anything in return.  When I think of those shows on television like Extreme Home Makeover and You Deserve It, I immediately think of her.  She deserves every bit of goodness in the world.  The amount of joy and happiness in the eyes of those little girls was something that I will never ever forget and it is something that I hope to be able to provide someday. 
As much as we all love receiving gifts around the holidays, nothing is as great as what Miss Linda did for these girls.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Weekly Goodies

I know I go on and on about it and many are probably tired of hearing about it, but I cannot explain how much I love Pinterest.  I use it almost daily for recipes, craft ideas, fashion fun, photography inspirations...I could go on and on.  If you want to join the fun, just send me an email and you're in!  Here's some great finds from this week...
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Source: Pinterest

These would be fabulous in gray too!

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Source: Pinterest

Flowerbomb.  Beautiful.

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Source: Pinterest

Such a creative gift for a teacher. I would love this!

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Source:  Pinterest

A fabulous holiday outfit!

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Source:  Pinterest

Activities to do together for your advent calendar rather than the traditional gifts. 

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Source: Pinterest

Love the amount of love in this.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Promise.

A slacker, yes.  I have been a major blog slacker.  But I do promise you that a good...really will appear soon, and in the meantime, I'll leave you with some fun finds from my favorite pastime...

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Source:  Pinterest

I could not love this anymore.

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Source: Pinterest
How cute would your little one look in these??

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Source:  Pinterest

Simple and beautiful.
Running out to get my pine cones now.

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Source:  Pinterest
The necklace and shoes are my favorite.

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Source:  Pinterest

Two words:  One day.

Happy Weekend and like I said...a good post soon...promise!