So...the holidays are always full of a little chaos, right? Well, this year between school, work, snow, and schedules, all kinds of crazy made the past three months a little too packed for this mama to shoot out a blog post in any free time that was left. The last time I was here, Bug was turning five and starting Kindergarten. She is now registered for first grade and Kater-tot is preparing to start preschool in August. Why is it that the older you get, the faster time goes? I was always told that would happen but never believed it. Well, those 'crazy' people hit it head on.
We embraced every minute of the last few months of 2012. They brought birthdays, weddings, dancing, fun in the snow, and holiday visits with family and friends.
4th Annual 'Thanksgiving Before Thanksgiving'
Best Idea EVER. |
Congrats Aunt Kiki and Uncle Jordan!
(The wedding was way more fun than we look in this picture...
we were saving up our enthusiasm!)
Never would have imagined anyone loving dance more than Bug.
Enter Kater-tot. She lives and breathes ballerinas.
It's the first thing she puts on in the morning
and we have to beg her to take it off at night.
Love her.
My little Betty Crockers.
Played in some snow.
(This was our version of 'a lot!'..notice the grass poking through!)
And then of course had to eat some.
And finally, had to try and catch some before Santa came...
They left a key out for Santa this year...they were in full blown 'believe' mode.
It was magical and perfect.
We could not have asked for a more wonderful holiday season.
Our family is so blessed..so lucky..so thankful.
So, a new year is upon us, and although we didn't ring it in officially until the next day and with sushi rather than pork, we are for sure it is going to be another amazing one. After all of the chaos and craziness that we welcomed with open arms, we are back into 'relax' mode, and for those of you who may have had a thought that the reason I was so quiet was because I was hiding some 'news'...I can put your mind at ease in saying that we could not be happier than we are with our family of four!
Happy 2013!