Monday, May 10, 2010

Where Did It Go?

As we are beginning to teach Monkey "please" and "thank you", I am reminded of how important manners are and how I really hope to instill good manners in my girls.  Being a teacher has opened my eyes to so many ungrateful, unmannerly children out there and even though the words 'please' 'thank you' 'excuse me' and 'sorry' are so little, they mean so much.  I was told once by someone that Bug was the most polite and mannerly 2-year old they had ever come across (of course, now that she is approaching 3, that has gone out the window for the time being...and I am praying it returns soon!).  This was one of the nicest compliments I think a parent could receive.  It makes you feel as if you have really taught your child something positive and meaningful. 
In addition to manners, I write this post as something for me to look back on and use as a reminder of another characteristic I am very passionate about my children possessing:


Yes, I am still not fully recovered from the library incident last week and in recent days, more situations have come about that have shown me how important it is to be courteous, but yet how much it has disappeared in everyday life. 
Two examples:
...Today was neighborhood garbage day...went to bring the garbage can back up to the house...when I went to pick up the lid, which had made it's way halfway onto the sidewalk, I see that someone had either rode their bike over the lid or pushed their stroller over it, crushing the lid.  Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not asking anyone to stop and pick it up or move it out of the way...but the least you could do is go around something that is in your path like I do each night when out for a walk with the stroller.  Just trying to be courteous...
...When I pass someone in the neighborhood while out walking, what happened to saying 'hi' or even smiling when you pass??  I get that you may want your quiet time when you are out walking/running, therefore many people don't even look, which is fine.  But when you look directly at me, see me smile and then I say hello to you and you choose to look down or away...really??  And this happens A LOT...(maybe I should take the hint!)  But I've tried that once and didn't speak or look at anyone and I felt horrible...can't do it.  Again, just trying to be courteous...
When did this happen?  When did people stop being courteous to one another?  I understand that people are busy, they have a lot going on in their lives, they have a lot on their minds, etc., but it just makes me sad to think that being nice to one another is the one that people give up on first.

My goal is to work hard to make sure Bug & Monkey are two courteous little girls even if no one else says hello to them  :)

1 comment:

  1. This one warms my heart ,because you are so right. there are too many people clueless in our world today how much a simple "hello" or smile can brighten anyone's day. We all deserve courtesy and kindness. Bug and Monkey will be grateful for this quality.
