Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!

A look back at our past three Independence Days with the girls...

Bug was 10 months...she clapped for the first time that day

As always, Bug had her way of showing off in front of the camera
While Monkey was only 6 weeks old and just starting to smile

Yet again, little miss independent celebrates as only she can

Meanwhile, Monkey is just trying to become brave enough to let go!
The highlight of the week...putting Bug to bed tonight and having her pat me on the back while saying:
"You're a great mom."
God love her.


  1. Love, love, love reflecting on old photos :)

    Glad to hear you had a good 4th of July... and yes, I agree with Bug... you ARE a great Mom!

  2. I Love THis ! Ali for her spunk and that beautiful face of Kate. They are so very precious, enjoy every minute.

  3. Really cute photos as usual. Love the family one at the top of your blog, too. :)
