Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Class Nerves...for who?

No nerves for this little ballerina, that's for sure!  Bug started her first shot at dance class and is loving every minute of it!  As you can tell by the pictures, I was the one that was so nervous and excited that I forgot to have her put her shoes on for her first pictures!  She, on the other hand, walked right into the studio, asked me to come in and help get her ballet shoes on, and then she was off to the circle of little girls as if I wasn't even there.  So bittersweet for me...I was so afraid that she was going to be one of the teary-eyed ones who was going to have me stay in the room with her while she danced but then when she took off running, I was excited, but at the same time realizing that she was such a 'big' little girl who was ready to go off and have fun...all on her own.  So that is exactly what she did, and I could not be more thrilled. 
As imagined, her two favorite parts of the class are wearing the PINK tutu (no other color is acceptable for her of course) and putting on those awesome tap shoes!
(better pictures to follow!)

And as she follows down the 'dancing road' that both her aunts and I did when we were young, the big recital in June definitely promises to be a HUGE event!

My Sister's Keeper

I've chosen this as the title for a variety of reasons.  First being that this movie is one that I will never be able to watch again.  It hit so close to my heart, so hard, that I was honestly affected by it for days.  Don't get me wrong, it was one of the best movies I've seen, but yet so emotionally taxing.  But I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I have two girls...
Secondly, the author of this book, Jodi Picoult, has become one of my favorites over the course of the summer.  I've read two of her books, Nineteen Minutes and Salem Falls, and both were excellent.  I returned to the library this week in hopes of sticking my nose into more of her collection, but I guess I am one of many, many fans as they were all checked out.  So I am now patiently awaiting to hear when I can pick up my 'hold' copy of Eat Pray Love after being the 21st person on the waiting list and it's been over 6 weeks.  Hoping it lives up to all the hype.
Lastly, for some strange reason, I have been questioned A LOT lately about when we are going to have baby #3.  Why is this?  Since when is 2 not the perfect number?  Do people not realize that having 2 (high maintenance, at that) GIRLS (especially being that they are under the age of 3) is quite the task?? 
"Aren't you going to try for a boy?" is a question I hear at least once a week.
Granted, the thought crossed my mind.  For about 2 months after Monkey was born. 
But I'm over that now.  I like what we've got.
I know I'm a little biased, but I think what my girls have is pretty awesome.  I never had a sister (or a brother for that matter) and even though I am open to admitting that I lived a sweet life as an only child, seeing two sisters together absolutely melts my heart.  Bug has loved her sister since day one, and each day I am witness to them growing closer and closer.  Just tonight I was trying to get Bug to apologize to Monkey for accidently bumping into her, and while I was doing so, she looked up at me like she was 12 and said, "I would like to talk to 'her' by myself please mama."  And just like that, I was no longer wanted/needed in the conversation.  They've already formed a team, and although I do know and understand this will come and go over the next 18 years, right now, I'm enjoying every second of it.  They play, they fight, they laugh, they cry, but they love each other to pieces and I know that they will be eachother's keeper for life.
So when people ask if we're going to try for a boy, I am confident in knowing that I don't feel "unlucky" in having two of the same sex and I don't feel the need to try and have a third child.  I actually feel extremely lucky to know that we have everything we've ever wanted and needed (and then some!).

Monday, August 30, 2010

Enjoying the Small Things

In addition to sharing my new favorite blog which goes by this very same title, we here at the crazy house are also going to be returning to a bit of a more simple life and take time to enjoy a little more of the small things. 
And as a helpful reminder, I am writing this all down so when the time(S) come and I am about to cave, I can jump on here and see why we are doing what we're doing. 
We have decided that we are going to go "cable-free" starting next month. 
Gasp, I know.  Yes, we're idiots. 
Here's the thing...3 years ago, we lived in a place where it snowed for 7 months out of the year, we didn't have any kids,  we didn't have the internet at our house, or even worse, a computer.  And to top it all off, we didn't have cable.
What did we do???
Well, now that we live in a place where we're lucky to get 10 inches of snow in 3 months, we have 2 kids, a computer with the internet, along with a long list of activities to fill our days with, we thought we'd give it a shot and lose the cable again.  We were quite happy and content before, so I don't see why it would be any different now.  Let's hope I'm right.
One thing I know I will be happy about is the fact that the bill will go from $60 to $13!

So if there's a dramatic increase in blog posts it's just a sign that there is nothing on local TV.
Notice that I have waited until September to do this...just in time for primetime shows on the local channels, which we will have.

117 Days

I haven't been this excited about Christmas since I was a little kid...I'm nuts, I know. 
I found my Christmas gift last month and have been on a holiday kick ever since.
Break out the decorations...mama's ready!!
Although I'm not going to spill the surprise for another 117 days, here's some hints...
They're silver...
They're shiny...
They're one-of-a-kind.
Come on December!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


All it took was the first day of school, a school bus, a mom, and some cute little girls.  And funny thing is, it wasn't me, my girls, their school bus, or their first day of school.
But as soon as I saw that big yellow thing pulling down our road today and watched the two sisters give their mom a big hug and kiss and happily jump on the bus, the tears were streaming...down my face as I watched from our front door.  And the killer was when the bus was driving away and the mom signed "I love you" to them through the window.  It was worse than the sappy Wal-Mart and Rice Krispy commercials!
It's safe to say that I will be a complete mess the day that I am that mom. 
I don't know how I'm going to do it.  I only have two short years to prepare.
(and to think I am a teacher and know exactly what their days will be like-I can only imagine what I would be like if I didn't!)

I don't want them to grow up.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Life is Good

A look back at our past week on Lake Erie...

Each day started with a ride in the boat
which Monkey would have stayed in all day if we would have let her

we gave kite flying a shot
and actually had some success!

we played with old friends

and built a castle made out of rocks

Monkey had her first kiss
while Nick had some deciding to do

Monkey wished she was just a little bit older

and Bug wished she could have this for dinner every night

we collected rocks all day
only to throw them back into the lake at night
we enjoyed one gorgeous sunset after another

as well as great times with old friends

(Oh how we miss you guys!)
memories were made

Life is good.  And we soaked in every minute.