Wednesday, August 18, 2010


All it took was the first day of school, a school bus, a mom, and some cute little girls.  And funny thing is, it wasn't me, my girls, their school bus, or their first day of school.
But as soon as I saw that big yellow thing pulling down our road today and watched the two sisters give their mom a big hug and kiss and happily jump on the bus, the tears were streaming...down my face as I watched from our front door.  And the killer was when the bus was driving away and the mom signed "I love you" to them through the window.  It was worse than the sappy Wal-Mart and Rice Krispy commercials!
It's safe to say that I will be a complete mess the day that I am that mom. 
I don't know how I'm going to do it.  I only have two short years to prepare.
(and to think I am a teacher and know exactly what their days will be like-I can only imagine what I would be like if I didn't!)

I don't want them to grow up.


  1. The only thing that gets you through is that you know there is a big, wonderful, world out there for them to explore and grow into. They will meet their best friends for life, and soon maybe their husband like you did. The first day on the school bus is actually one of the easiest to let go. I had the hardest time walking away from that first dorm room in Clarion. I wasn't sure you were ready. And all the time , you were ready, I just wasn't ready to let you go ! So As it seems today that you won't be ready...... but they will be which helps ease the change as they grow up. Enjoy everyday.... they will fly before your eyes.

  2. and now I'm a teary-eyes mess...thank you ladies! <3

  3. megan you are too cute. i feel the same way!
