Sunday, October 24, 2010

All Sorts of Awesomeness

Five years.  A typical married couple would usually plan to do something unique or special on their five year anniversary.  Enter the Wells'.  We are by far, are not your typical couple.  We do things, and people say 'Really?'  'Why?'  'Are you kidding?''s natural, we're used to it.  There is just something about us that inclines us to be a little 'out there' and different from the norm.  One and only example that we will dive into...our baby shower for Bug...there were girls, guys, and children, there was wine, there was was more like a picnic/party than a shower and in our opinion, the best thing ever.  That's how we roll.  Who wants to sit inside on a beautiful summer day (minus your other half) for 2-3 hours watching some prego open random gifts while you make small talk with strangers while you're stone-sober?!?!  Not either of us.  Not fun.  So, needless to say, we like things that are a little outside the box.
Bug's Baby Shower...August 2007
Friday night.  Our 5 year wedding anniversary.  A big deal.  Of course.  In that event, one of our maid of honors (yes, we had I said, we do things a little crazy and I had 2 maids of honor!)....decided that she was making the 5 hour trip to come down to stay with us in hopes that we would go out to celebrate and she would stay with the girls.  Wrong.  There is no way that I am going to let my super-best-friend drive that long only for us to up and leave her to go out and not spend time with her.  Do I trust her to stay with the girls...absolutely...not a fear in my mind.  As a matter of fact, she would probably be better with them than I am.  She is amazingly fantastic with them and I have never seen Monkey cling to anyone like she did to her.  So that is beside the fact.  But I could not rationalize the idea to get up and leave her by herself while TOH and I go out on the town, despite her wants. make a long story short, she arrived Friday afternoon, and after many bottles of wine, lots of food, and lots of laughs and happy tears, she arrived back home in Pennsylvania Sunday evening and we could not have had a better weekend.  She was such an important part of our wedding day 5 years ago, and she was that much of an addition to our 5-year anniversary as well.  We may make it a tradition that she join us every 5 years :) 

We would not have had it any other way.  And in addition to it all, our good friends Dan and Corey welcomed their new addition, Emerson Elizabeth, this weekend and we could not be more thrilled!  It was definitely a weekend to remember!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary Megs! I definitely remember all those things about you and Dan reading this post :)
