Having your 'easy' child first is punishment. I guess that's what I get for always thinking Bug was a difficult baby. Payback is biting me big time.
When your oldest child is done with diapers-completely-it is the absolute best feeling in the world. For me, it is even better than 'day' potty-trained. I think this may be the first milestone that has not made me cry!
Homemade pesto. There's nothing better.
A half-bottle of blood red nail polish all across your carpet + a bottle of hydrogen peroxide=heart attack avoided.
Two years (5 visits) later, Bug has finally realized the dentist is not out to get her. Only 4 more visits and Kater-tot will hopefully catch on too.
Pool memberships. Essential. Fabulous. I like myself a lot more when I'm tan.
Trying to get a 2 year old to stay in a big bed is a real battle. When we did it with Bug, she was 18 months and was too scared to get out. This one, like with everything else, has zero fear. I am determined to win this. Pray for me.
No matter how you say it: 'goodbye' 'see you soon' 'until next time'...it still sucks. Not having certain people in your life is a real downer.
Redbox was a fantastic invention.
Hope the weekend was great!
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