Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A New Perspective

She's five. No more terrible two's or troublesome three's...she has entered into the fighting fives. She doesn't always use her manners, doesn't agree with everything we say, nor does she want to participate in every 'spectacular' idea we have. She has her own thoughts, ideas, and suggestions and she wants them to be heard. She wants to push every button she can and try to see how far she can get us to go. She is suddenly fearless.
This is a whole new world to us...and none of us, including her, are sure how to handle it.  Yet another part of parenting that we have both been warned about...
But despite her new 'change'  as I like to refer to it, months in advance, we promised her a big #5 party...her first 'let's make a big deal about it' celebration. She was given the choice of who she wanted to invite and she decided on a '5 year old only' party (with the exception of her sister). It just so happened that 'Finding Nemo 3-D' came to the big screen at the exact time, so off we went...all nine five-year-olds (thank God for my good friends who offered to help out!!) for a fun afternoon at the movie theater...and was as chaotic as you could imagine, but a blast all at the same time!

~the invites~
~All the girls~

Followed by treats at her favorite spot,
Orange Leaf

This was her perfect day. She had a constant, beaming smile on her face and she did not want the day to end. She was surrounded by so much love from so many good friends that she could not have wished for anything more.  Despite her ever-changing ways and moods, she has been and forever will be the sweet, caring, little Bug that we have raised from day one. We are so proud of the little person she has become and it is evident by looking at the amazing friends she has made over the years that she is one pretty awesome girl.  We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives to celebrate these special moments. Thank you to everyone who helped to make her birthday (over a span of a few weeks!) so fantastic...she loved every minute of it and we for that, we couldn't be more thankful.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

That Was Good...Really Good.

The weatherman said we may want to consider kicking on the heat tonight. Pretty sure he wasn't kidding. 45 degrees. I have a thing about giving the gas company any more money than they already get before October 31, so I guess I better break out the blankets. There is something about cooler weather that inspires me to be (like) Martha. The mums and pumpkins have been placed among the decorative cabbage and kale in their planters on the porch and the fall decorations are calling out my name to find their spots throughout the house.  So while they wait a few more days, we cook. We bake. And we enjoy these oh-so-delicious treats which I had to share because they are too good to keep to ourselves.

I found this awesome recipe for banana bread, which the girls can't get enough of, and I love the fact that applesauce and honey are used in place of the sugar and oil.  It was gone in a day.

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Looking for a super-easy dinner..few ingredients, cooks on its own, tastes amazing...check this chicken out. Made it yesterday-huge it.  The website that it came from is pretty amazing as well.

Later that day, we got a little crazy and made some homemade applesauce. I've had a lot of homemade kinds before, but I kid you not when I tell you this was the easiest (aside from peeling the apples) and most delicious applesauce I've ever tasted. The magic ingredient...lemon.  And while it's low maintenance cooking away in the crock pot all day, it's spreads one fabulous smell throughout the house.
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If we didn't have enough goodness, we dove into these little bits of heaven...

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Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kiss cookies. Thank you for finding me.
One of my other new loves is quinoa. It's so easy, so quick, and it's a healthy replacement for rice or pasta.  The girls love macaroni and cheese, so this was a great way to make everybody happy and get some veggies in there as well!
And I wouldn't sign off without one more idea for those one-of-a-kind Pumpkin you can tell, I can't get enough of them. I am a big fan of every type of puppy chow mix that's out there, but this one takes it for me. Pumpkin Puppy Chow. It has three ingredients and takes all of five minutes to make. Sold. And then there's how fabulous it is. I had to hide it in the closet so everyone would get their hands out of the bag. The problem now is the fact that I'm the only one that knows where it is.
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It's now time to go for a walk, a run, and do lots and lots of sit-ups...but so worth it!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

So long...

It is anticipated for months, then passes by so quickly each year. But as I am learning, as does everything these days. My favorite season is upon us, and with that we are saying goodbye to one fabulous summer.

We celebrated many very special friends and family as they tied the knot, and the girls loved every second of their roles as flower girls (and will again in a few weeks!)

Bug danced her heart out at her dance recital and I miraculously held back on the waterworks this year.

We camped in the middle of nowhere for a few days, started a new tradition spending a week at Topsail Beach with lifelong friends, went horseback riding for the first time, and in between all of our travels, we soaked up every minute of that wonderful sun that we could. Summer 2012 was definitely one to remember.

So as we wave goodbye, we have so much to look forward to as I sit outside on this gorgeous 75 degree, not-a-cloud-in-the-sky, windows wide-open day...
So long A/C, hello cool breezes.
Until next year iced coffee, hello pumpkin spice latte.
See ya dead grass, hello green lawns and colorful trees.
Goodbye summer reruns, hello long-awaited premieres.
No more last-minute dinners, hello planned out white chicken chili and tomato pies.
Bye bye flip flops, hello riding boots.
Adios sunlight until nine o'clock, hello mulled cider candles lighting the room.
Later popsicles, hello cinnamon roasted almonds and homemade applesauce.

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So for now, so long sweet summer. We fully enjoyed every minute of you.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My wishes for you, my sweet girl.

Today, she blows out another candle. And for now, I wish all of these for her.

A more detailed, in-depth, personal post will follow, but tonight, I came across this and it could not be more perfect. If I could wish for anything for her on her birthday, this would be it.

Rules for Mothers of Daughters.

25 Rules for Mothers of Daughters.

1. Paint her nails. Then let her scratch it off and dirty them up. Teach her to care about her appearance, and then quickly remind her that living and having fun is most important.

2. Let her put on your makeup, even if it means bright-red-smudged lips and streaked-blue eyes. Let her experiment in her attempts to be like you…then let her be herself.

3. Let her be wild. She may want to stay home and read books on the couch, or she may want to hop on the back of a motorcycle-gasp. She may be a homebody or a traveler. She may fall in love with the wrong boy, or meet mr. right at age 5. Try to remember that you were her age once. Everyone makes mistakes, let her make her own.
4. Be present. Be there for her at her Kindergarten performances, her dance recitals, her soccer games…her everyday-little-moments. When she looks through the crowds of people, she will be looking for your smile and pride. Show it to her as often as possible.

5. Encourage her to try on your shoes and play dress-up. If she would rather wear her brother’s superman cape with high heals, allow it. If she wants to wear a tutu or dinosaur costume to the grocery store, why stop her? She needs to decide who she is and be confident in her decision.

6. Teach her to be independent. Show her by example that woman can be strong. Find and follow your own passions. Search for outlets of expression and enjoyment for yourself- not just your husband or children. Define yourself by your own attributes, not by what others expect you to be. Know who you are as a person, and help your daughter find out who she is.

7. Pick flowers with her. Put them in her hair. There is nothing more beautiful than a girl and a flower.

Source: Pinterest-

8. Let her get messy. Get messy with her, no matter how much it makes you cringe inside. Splash in the puddles, throw snowballs, make mud pies, finger paint the walls: just let it happen. The most wonderful of memories are often the messy ones.

9. Give her good role models- you being one of them. Introduce her to successful woman- friends, co-workers, doctors, astronauts, or authors. Read to her about influential woman- Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Marie Curie. Read her the words of inspirational woman- Jane Austen, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson. She should know that anything is possible.

10. Show her affection. Daughters will mimic the compassion of their mother. “I love yous” and Eskimo kisses go a long way.

11. Hold her hand. Whether she is 3 years-old in the parking lot or sixteen years old in the mall, hold on to her always- this will teach her to be confident in herself and proud of her family.

Source: Pinterest-

12. Believe in her. It is the moments that she does not believe in herself that she will need you to believe enough for both of you. Whether it is a spelling test in the first grade, a big game or recital, a first date, or the first day of college…remind her of the independent and capable woman you have taught her to be.

13. Tell her how beautiful she is. Whether it is her first day of Kindergarten, immediately after a soccer game where she is grass-stained and sweaty, or her wedding day. She needs your reminders. She needs your pride. She needs your reassurance. She is only human.

14. Love her father. Teach her to love a good man, like him. One who lets her be herself…she is after all wonderful.

15. Make forts with boxes and blankets. Help her to find magic in the ordinary, to imagine, to create and to believe in fairy tales. Someday she will make her 5 by 5 dorm-room her home with magic touches and inspiration. And she will fall in love with a boy and believe him to be Prince Charming.

16. Read to her. Read her Dr. Seuss and Eric Carle. But also remember the power of Sylvia Plath and Robert Frost. Show her the beauty of words on a page and let her see you enjoy them. Words can be simply written and simply spoken, yet can harvest so much meaning. Help her to find their meaning.

17. Teach her how to love- with passion and kisses. Love her passionately. Love her father passionately and her siblings passionately. Express your love. Show her how to love with no restraint. Let her get her heart broken and try again. Let her cry, and gush, giggle and scream. She will love like you love or hate like you hate. So, choose love for both you and her.

18. Encourage her to dance and sing. Dance and sing with her- even if it sounds or looks horrible. Let her wiggle to nursery rhymes. Let her dance on her daddy's feet and spin in your arms. Then later, let her blast noise and headbang in her bedroom with her door shut if she wants. Or karaoke to Tom Petty in the living room if she would rather. Introduce her to the classics- like The Beatles- and listen to her latest favorite- like Taylor Swift. Share the magic of music together, it will bring you closer- or at least create a soundtrack to your life together.

19. Share secrets together. Communicate. Talk. Talk about anything. Let her tell you about boys, friends, school. Listen. Ask questions. Share dreams, hopes, concerns. She is not only your daughter, you are not only her mother. Be her friend too.

20. Teach her manners. Because sometimes you have to be her mother, not just her friend. The world is a happier place when made up of polite words and smiles.

21. Teach her when to stand-up and when to walk away. Whether she has classmates who tease her because of her glasses, or a boyfriend who tells her she is too fat- let her know she does not have to listen. Make sure she knows how to demand respect- she is worthy of it. It does not mean she has to fight back with fists or words, because sometimes you say more with silence. Also make sure she knows which battles are worth fighting. Remind her that some people can be mean and nasty because of jealousy, or other personal reasons. Help her to understand when to shut her mouth and walk-away. Teach her to be the bigger -the better- person.

22. Let her choose who she loves. Even when you see through the charming boy she thinks he is, let her love him without your disapproving words: she will anyway. When he breaks her heart, be there for her with words of support rather than I told-you-so. Let her mess up again and again until she finds the one. And when she finds the one, tell her.

23. Mother her. Being a mother—to her—is undoubtedly one of your greatest accomplishments. Share with her the joys of motherhood, so one day she will want to be a mother too. Remind her over and over again with words and kisses that no one will ever love her like you love her. No one can replace or replicate a mother’s love for their children.

Source: Pinterest-

24. Comfort her. Because sometimes you just need your mommy. When she is sick, rub her back, make her soup and cover her in blankets- no matter how old she is. Someday, if she is giving birth to her own child, push her hair out of her face, encourage her, and tell her how beautiful she is. These are the moments she will remember you for. And someday when her husband rubs her back in attempt to comfort her...she may just whisper, "I need my mommy."

25. Be home. When she is sick with a cold or broken heart, she will come to you: welcome her. When she is engaged or pregnant, she will run to you to share her news: embrace her. When she is lost or confused, she will search for you: find her. When she needs advice on boys, schools, friends or an outfit: tell her. She is your daughter and will always need a safe harbor- where she can turn a key to see comforting eyes and a familiar smile: be home. 

I love you, bug. For everything you are, everything you have brought to my life in these past five years, and everything you have yet to be.  I am so thankful for you. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Whose Shadow?

So I've been told I'm one-sided. Sorry, she's my oldest. I talk about her a lot. She does things first, I have never been through them, they make me emotional, and I want to talk about them. All reasons to write, right?
So Kater-tot. She's a handful. Has been from day one. Has always wanted to be held. Still would if she could. She's a mama's girl, 100%. I am to blame for most of her behaviors. Take full responsibility. And with that, I love her 110%. She and I will be best friends to the grave.
As much as she depends on me, she is independent and very strong-willed. She wants to do everything herself and she would man an army if she so wished. The problem is, she has followed in Bug's footsteps for three years now, and is finally over it. She wants to be her own person. She is tired of following in her sister's footsteps. It's time for her to show who she is. Rock on sister.

This girl is in for a good time and no one is going to stop obvious trait that she picked up from her father. She has passed the test as a flower girl, has done her champagne (apple cider) toast and is definitely ready for whatever anyone has to offer. No fear. Which is SO different than her sister...which makes me so happy, as it is so awesome to have two totally different kids.
She has been waiting to start dance class for over a year. She has patiently watched her sister dance each week for the past two years and has the moves memorized. When we took her to her first class last week, I have never seen her run faster in her life.  To put it lightly, she is in love.
She makes me laugh, cry, and pull my hair out all at the same time. She brings joy, happiness, and craziness to us day in and day out, and for that, we are thankful. She is just what we needed in our lives. Without her, our life would not be complete.
And to answer one final question that we have been asked quite a lot lately...she has no problem with Bug going to school a few hours each day...clearly. She is loving every minute she has at home with mom and dad.
This is nothing close to the look she had on her face last year on Bug's first day.
She is ready to show everyone the world of Kater-tot...and let me tell you, it is one amazing ride!  

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ready or Not

She is. She has been for over a year. Asking to ride the bus. Asking to turn 5. And even though she is neither of the two, she's officially a kindergartner.
For twenty-four hours, we embraced the whole experience. The night before, she was given a bag of 'Sweet Dreams Confetti' to put under her pillow to help ease any nerves (I may have used some too..) and to give her good luck throughout the year.

Waiting until almost lunch time was torture for her, as she was ready to go as soon as her feet hit the floor.  So I tortured her some more with way too many pictures until it was time to head to school.

We are so thankful for her teacher..she is awesome in every way. As the kids slowly trickled in, she lined them up for a mass photo shoot and finally, we got the whole class of 2025.

The kids went in while the parents stayed. And stayed. We joked (kind of) about how we could just hang out in the parking lot until the end of the day, but then realized how pathetic we looked, so we sadly went our separate ways.  They all had a great day, and with that, we celebrated.
Later that night, TOH and I celebrated as well. We did it. We made it through our first day of being kindergarten parents.

I thought I was ready and actually made it through an entire week without any tears. But I knew I couldn't last forever. I went to her orientation two days ago and that's when I lost it. I was alone in the car driving home with all of the information the school had provided...register for this, sign up for that, turn in paperwork tomorrow.  I have been on the teacher side of school for ten years and now I'm on the parent side. It's worlds different. She (and we) are now committed to five days a week, 180 days, for the next 13 years. It's frightening. Exciting. Nerve racking. Mysterious.
She could not be happier to finally be where she is. We are thrilled for her and all that is ahead. To see what she has absorbed already is amazing and we're only eight days in. 
As for me, all I can say is that I am so grateful for half-day kindergarten because I need another year to prepare for her being gone all day. 
But ready or not, we're all looking forward to this new chapter in our lives and I am beyond excited that it's a holiday weekend and we have her at home an extra day this week...bring on Thanksgiving break!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Charm

The first time TOH and I went camping together, we had a dog. No kids. He didn't fare so well. Barked at everything that moved, didn't like sleeping outside, and then it thunder stormed each night. Easy to say, it was pretty much a nightmare.
Our next attempt was last summer with the little ones, which started out really well and we have a ton a great memories, but it was cut short due to monsoon-like rain.
So, we vowed to try again and last week we packed up and headed north. Now when I say camping, it's not in a cabin, it's not in a camper, but rather hard-core tent camping in the middle of nowhere. There is no electricity, you have to take your own water, and there are lots of little forest animals that like to visit your site while you're sleeping to look for food. It probably sounds like torture to many, but I can honestly tell you that it was one of the best weekends I've had.

We boated...

We swam...

We tubed...

We hiked...

We pontooned it...

We jet skied...

We had a blast ...

There is something about being in the middle of the woods. Having no idea what time of day it is, no idea what the weather will do, no contact with the outside world. It was peaceful, relaxing, and perfect. It took few tries, but by the third time, we got lucky. We've got some good little campers who are excited to go back and do it again next year!