Tuesday, September 18, 2012

That Was Good...Really Good.

The weatherman said we may want to consider kicking on the heat tonight. Pretty sure he wasn't kidding. 45 degrees. I have a thing about giving the gas company any more money than they already get before October 31, so I guess I better break out the blankets. There is something about cooler weather that inspires me to be (like) Martha. The mums and pumpkins have been placed among the decorative cabbage and kale in their planters on the porch and the fall decorations are calling out my name to find their spots throughout the house.  So while they wait a few more days, we cook. We bake. And we enjoy these oh-so-delicious treats which I had to share because they are too good to keep to ourselves.

I found this awesome recipe for banana bread, which the girls can't get enough of, and I love the fact that applesauce and honey are used in place of the sugar and oil.  It was gone in a day.

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Looking for a super-easy dinner..few ingredients, cooks on its own, tastes amazing...check this chicken out. Made it yesterday-huge it.  The website that it came from is pretty amazing as well.

Later that day, we got a little crazy and made some homemade applesauce. I've had a lot of homemade kinds before, but I kid you not when I tell you this was the easiest (aside from peeling the apples) and most delicious applesauce I've ever tasted. The magic ingredient...lemon.  And while it's low maintenance cooking away in the crock pot all day, it's spreads one fabulous smell throughout the house.
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If we didn't have enough goodness, we dove into these little bits of heaven...

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Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kiss cookies. Thank you for finding me.
One of my other new loves is quinoa. It's so easy, so quick, and it's a healthy replacement for rice or pasta.  The girls love macaroni and cheese, so this was a great way to make everybody happy and get some veggies in there as well!
And I wouldn't sign off without one more idea for those one-of-a-kind Pumpkin Kisses..as you can tell, I can't get enough of them. I am a big fan of every type of puppy chow mix that's out there, but this one takes it for me. Pumpkin Puppy Chow. It has three ingredients and takes all of five minutes to make. Sold. And then there's how fabulous it is. I had to hide it in the closet so everyone would get their hands out of the bag. The problem now is the fact that I'm the only one that knows where it is.
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It's now time to go for a walk, a run, and do lots and lots of sit-ups...but so worth it!

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