That would be really fun and exciting, right?
Everyone's been wondering...
Maybe even a boy this time...
You were really hoping, weren't ya?
Sorry kids, but we are overjoyed with the two fine young ladies we have right now, so no luck on any new little bundles this way my friends, but I did manage to get your attention, didn't I?
For those who have little ones, you know how long those nine months last...for-ev-er. Just when you think you're done and ready to go, you realize you have two more months to go. It's the longest nine months of your entire life. Ever. (until you're prego with bambino #2 and that time goes at warp speed..)
She loved Kindergarten. She loved her school, had the best teacher, and made fabulous friends. It taught her lessons I hoped it would, ones I never thought it would , and ones I only dreamed it would. Last year at this time, we went back and forth whether to send her (as she was one of the ones that could have gone either way) and I can tell you that sending her was the best decision we ever made. I have talked to many friends who are currently trying to make that same decision, and it is, by far, one of the hardest choices you will ever make as a parent. The most important question we asked ourselves was, 'do you feel that they as an individual are ready (in every aspect) and can handle what everyday school will throw at them?' The one thing we were most concerned with was her confidence level...after a year of preschool, she was still pretty shy and not very out-spoken (which is crazy to think for those of you who know her dad..hahaha). Her preschool teacher was worried that she would get lost in the classroom...but we took a chance, and I can honestly tell you that sending her into a group of older kids only helped to boost her confidence even more. It was like sending her in with the lions. She knew that she had to put on her 'big girl pants' and rally in order to stay afloat and she did just that. It wasn't about being a leader, but instead, she had to pull from within and tell herself that she could compete with the rest and that made her the strong, independent little girl she is today. She knows she has to work hard, she knows when to ask for help, and she knows that she is a smart little cookie that can stand on her own and fight for herself. She has learned lessons academically, emotionally, and socially. It has been an amazing year for her and we could not be happier and more proud of the kind, caring, intelligent, little person she is transforming into and we are thrilled to relax and soak up these next few months poolside before she becomes an all-dayer!!
We love you, Bug, congrats!
tear...tear. so sweet! congrats Bug!!!
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