Saturday, April 24, 2010

Name Change

Due to various factors, Sunshine has undergone a name change...she will now be referred to as "Monkey!"  To give some background...over the past few weeks, she has turned into quite the wiggler, so much so that we can't even change her diaper at times, let alone get clothes on her because she won't sit still!  She's too busy rolling, sitting up, crawling, it's crazy!  We were so used to Bug who was so stationary it was the exact opposite...we would try and get her to move and she wanted nothing of it!  (our babysitter even asked me once if Bug helped me out when I would change her at home b/c she thought maybe she was just being lazy at the sitter...she had never seen a baby be so 'unhelpful' when being changed...HA!)  So Monkey fits her perfectly in this respect...
And a shout out to my sisters (connie and shannon)...they were not the biggest fans of the original nickname...which I have to agree, neither was I, but I couldn't come up with anything better at the time.  So a big thanks goes out to them for getting me motivated...I am much happier with this one and I hope they are too!
*And just a side note for anyone who happens to watch Tori and Dean...I know my kids have the same nicknames...however, just to make it clear, I was not a copier~Bug got her name the day she was born~way before I had ever seen an episode...and although I am aware they use Monkey, it is just so fitting for her, that she has to have it!  (Not that I think anyone out there even watches that show, but I felt the need to cover that just in case!)

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