Saturday, April 24, 2010

Time Flies When...

you have someone in your life who:
makes you laugh outloud each and everyday
puts you and your children ahead of himself
wants you to be as happy as you possibly can
makes you a better person inside and out
makes sacrafices you're not sure you yourself would ever make
supports you and everything that you do
makes everyday of your life an adventure

(the list goes on, but I went with the 7 best!)

I don't have any idea how I got so lucky to have such a person in my life, but without a doubt, I've got him and I couldn't be more thankful.  I've know this for quite sometime, but last weekend really solidified it.  After going away on my girls weekend (which was the first time he's been on his own with both girls for a weekend)...I came home with a whole new respect for my husband.  Not only did he hold down the fort (even with our washer line exploding and soaking our basement with an inch of water!), but he did it all by himself without any help (with a 2 year old and an (almost) 1 year old...and girls at that!)...everyone was clean, dressed, fed, well-rested, happy, and on top of all of that, the grocery shopping was done, the laundry was done AND more importantly folded, and the house was spotless.  My first thought:  Wow, I should go away more often!   Thanks to him, I was at complete ease throughout the whole weekend, had a fabulous time, and came home to what I call "perfection!" 

And as we get ready to celebrate 11 years of being together next week, I cannot believe how fast the time has gone...and how grateful I am to have such an amazing person to share my life with.  He is my other half, my comedic relief, my wealth of information, my absolute enjoyment, my serenity.  And I give thanks everyday that I picked up that phone a second time...


  1. That just made me tear! :)

  2. totally tearing up with that one! you are both blessed to have each other!! love and miss you guys!
