Friday, November 19, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

It is one of my favorite days of the year, Oprah's Favorite Things day!  I look forward to this every year and always hoped I would someday be one of the lucky audience members...and although I missed my final chance, it was fun to dream :)  So in honor of this fabulous day, I am doing my own list of a few favorites.  However, unlike Oprah, not all of mine are tangible or able to be purchased in a store...which I think makes them even more valuable.  Some are classics that I've had forever, some are new-found items, and others are well, you'll see.
  • My high heel collection, which would be complete with this new addition
  • Everything Christmas...cookies, lights, carols, smells, hot chocolate, gift-giving, shopping, the spirit...
  • My alone, brainless TV time at night
  • Cheryl & Co. Gourmet Cookies
  • Coming home to dinner in the crockpot
  • Photographs
  • Paula Dean's Sausage Balls
  • Candles
  • My new little blue dress from H&M
  • Watching my babies while they far, my favorite of the favorites.
What makes your list?


  1. I'm just watching it's so good! By the way, I'm making those sausage balls soon, they look delish!

  2. Did you know you can get 6 free Cheryl & Co. cookies right now?? Here's the link.
