Monday, November 15, 2010

Me. Me. Me.

'Me' seemed to be the theme of our weekend. Not me personally, but the idea of 'me' for all.  
Example A...Monkey's new favorite phrase...points to herself and says, "me, me, me!" 
Want to squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, her.
...trying to save some of the last few survivors...

Example B...a good friend had her first date night with her husband after recently welcoming their second child...I am having dinner with the girls this week, and TOH and I are looking forward to some Q.T. and date night over Thanksgiving weekend.  My friend and I talked about the wide array of emotions you feel when you leave your little ones to enjoy these times, but at the same time, how important it is to have 'spouse and friend' time.  It's good for you.  I know that when I have that time, I come back a refreshed and happier wife and mom.  That's good for everyone. 

Example C...finally got to see Sex and the City 2 over the weekend and although I didn't find it as impressive as the first, I do have to say that it sure did hit home when it came to the Charlotte story-line (not the nanny part, that's for sure-no nanny in this house!).  And I'm sure many moms can relate (especially those who have been blessed with two girls), as almost every word that came out of Charlotte's mouth reminded me of things that I have said and have wanted to say.  Before I had Bug, another good friend gave me some of the best advice I have ever received.  You need to find some time (which could be 5 minutes or an hour) each day for you.  Not just away from the kids, but away from the husbands, boyfriends, friends, pets, everyone.  Whether you take a walk, a nap, or lock yourself in your bathroom and just sit, you need to be with just y-o-u. And like Charlotte, I love my girls more than I could ever explain, but it sure would be nice to have Carrie's apartment to escape to somedays!  Here's to finding 'me' time today!


  1. I definitely appreciate that advice!

  2. thanks for the shout :) thank God we had date night... C is sick and I was up basically all night... woke up to dan saying 'man you are a trooper'... come on girls night! :)

  3. Well put Megan!... and yes... come on girls night :)
