Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Dream Is A Wish...

She is all princess all the time.  I have to remove dress-up costumes before we leave the house, before she goes to bed, pretty much 24/7.  Cinderella is her number one, most favorite, without a doubt.  She roams around the house dancing and singing the songs...constantly.  Thank god I love Cinderella as much as she does.  So putting her in dance class was one of the easiest decisions I've ever made with her.  She has loved it from day one and a day does not pass without her asking if she can go to dance.  Love it. 

So Bug has been taking lessons for a little over 3 months and last week the teacher told us to bring our cameras because they would have something special for us.  So tonight, all four of us packed up and headed to class.  We waited in anticipation, and for the last ten minutes of class, we were completely entertained. 

A bunch of little three-year-olds all dressed up like angels...and they danced.

Well, at least most of them danced...

When Bug saw her dad, she froze...she couldn't stop staring at him and smiling.
It melted my heart.
I love that she loves dance.
I love that she loves her dad even more.

She finally 'de-mesmerized' herself and started dancing...
a little behind the rest...

She cracked us up the entire time...
I wanted to cry, but couldn't because I was laughing too hard.

The gift of happiness that this little person has given me each and everyday
is beyond anything that could ever be bought.

And she too was given a gift tonight...
in finding out that their recital costumes are none other than...
Dreams really do come true.


  1. Completely warmed my heart... <3 you guys!

  2. I am soooooo excited for Bug!! She truly has her Dream coming true! This will be a big Christmas for her. Have a great time Sunday at the Nutcracker. Enjoy all your visitors.

    A Dream really is a Wish come true! !

