For some reason, I thought she would eat it up and have no issues sitting on stage with him with other little boys and girls that were in the play. However I forgot one minor detail: the curtain would open and there would be 2,700 hundred pairs of eyes staring at her. Enter her exit. Actually, she didn't even make it that far. We took her up on stage as they were preparing everything for the show, we practiced sitting in the chair, and then she said, as politely as she always does, "I am ready to go home now, thank you." And my dream was shot. I tried my best to convince her that she would be fine, while sitting there knowing that I surely would be peeing my pants if I had to do such a thing...(a mom's gotta try!)...but she's not dumb...
So, away we went back to our seats, and enjoyed the entire show from start to finish. And although she wasn't up there reading with her dad (who did an awesome job!), she was the perfect audience and I couldn't be more proud of her...and who knows, maybe they will be invited back next year and she'll be a year older and a tad braver!
Grandma and Grandpa traveled from Erie to see the show with us!
Love Grandma Hiya
Aunt Colleen and Aunt Shannon came too!
And maybe next year Monkey will be able to sit still long enough to come with us...
And maybe next year Monkey will be able to sit still long enough to come with us...
wishful thinking!
She still looks like her Dream did come true with that beautiful smile on her face. Sometimes her dream will be different than yours and that's OK too! You're right, next year there may be strength in numbers, and Monkey can be her partner.