Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rain, Rain, Any Day

Our wedding day
John Mayer concert in Arizona
Sting concert last night

Connection?  Rain.  And a lot of it. 

Not only did it rain last night, but it poured...the entire time.  It was thundering, lightning (so much so that I couldn't tell the difference between cameras flashing and the actual storm), and even in our pavilion seats, the rain seemed to find its way in...just like it did when we were riding in our limo on our wedding day and the window decided to break.  But rain or no rain, we've never let it ruin our fun...and last night was no exception.  We had a blast and there will be many more date nights in the future!

So from now on, I welcome the rain.  Bring it on.  Because everytime it joins us, we have the time of our lives. 

Monday, July 19, 2010

Few and Far Between

Date night.
I feel like a teenager in high school.
I can't even explain how excited I am. 
Good drinks, fantastic music, & a fabulous, amazingly hot date by my side.
Pure bliss.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dinner, Dessert, and Great Conversation

Well, I may not call it 'great' tonight.  Dinners at our house are a little different than most.  Due to Monkey and Bug's Dad's work schedule, it's girls-only at the dinner table for us.  As you can imagine, being that I am talking with a 2-year-old and a 1-year-old, the dinner conversations can be quite the experience.  We talk about what our favorite part of the day was, what we're going to do after we're done eating, and the fun happenings of the next day. 
A peak into tonight's talk...
Me:  "Bug...are you excited to see your friends at Addie's house tomorrow?"

Bug:  "YES!  Can we play on the swings?"

Me:  "'s going to be so much fun!"

Me:  "Guess what is not going to be so much fun for mama tomorrow?"

Bug:  "What's that, mama?"

Me:  "I have to go to the dentist..."

Bug:  "Why?"  (at which point I think she is going to say..'to have your teeth brushed'...but instead...)
"because your breath stinks?"

Me:  "Well, I guess so Bug, thanks." 

...Nothing like your little girl telling you how it is...

And because I love her unconditionally, we proceeded to go outside and enjoy the cupcakes we made together today for her party that she wanted to throw for her dolls...(hence the frosting face!)

(I can't get them to look at me at the same time but the birds in the yard can!)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Boys 4-Girls 3

When I had Bug, many of my girlfriends were due around the same time.  She, however, was the only girl born into the group.  Therefore, she now has an endless list of boyfriends and future husbands, which I am already planning weddings for. 
With Monkey, it was the opposite.  She was one of many baby girls born within weeks of eachother, and will now have lots of little friends to play dress up with. 
But as I posted awhile back, this fall/winter is just packed with babies...the list started at 15 and is now up by 2!  However, I can't post their names yet, as they haven't formally announced, so I won't be the spoiler.  Over the past few weeks, those who hate surprises have been finding out whether they will be buying blue or pink paint.  Well, as you can see by the title of the post, as of now, the boys are in the lead...but I am thrilled that three families will be joining the 'girls club' with us! 
On a side note, I took a quick trip back home this past weekend to visit a close friend and new mom to one of the most adorable babies ever...Carson Daniel.  He was born on June 17th, the day before his mom's birthday, and he is just perfect. 

Now I don't know what it is about boys, but they are just so calm and laid back...why is that??  I was there for almost 4 hours and he was awake the entire time, didn't cry or make a peep, and was as happy as could be.  This NEVER happened with either of my girls.  They couldn't be awake for longer than 45 minutes without needing to go back to sleep, or it would be an absolute disaster.  (sorry, I don't mean to scare those of you who are about to have girls, I really think it's just my two!)  But I am so happy and excited for Carson and his parents...they are doing an amazing job and he's only 3 weeks old.  Thanks for the awesome visit!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!

A look back at our past three Independence Days with the girls...

Bug was 10 months...she clapped for the first time that day

As always, Bug had her way of showing off in front of the camera
While Monkey was only 6 weeks old and just starting to smile

Yet again, little miss independent celebrates as only she can

Meanwhile, Monkey is just trying to become brave enough to let go!
The highlight of the week...putting Bug to bed tonight and having her pat me on the back while saying:
"You're a great mom."
God love her.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Where Do They Come Up With These Things?

As we were out soaking up the absolutely perfect weather we have been having this week, Monkey started to whine in the backseat of the car.  I asked Bug (who, mind you, is two and a half) what was wrong with her sister and her response was...

"Oh, she doesn't like this song on the radio"

I didn't know 13 month olds had a preference?    :) 

And although sass is one of her biggest personality traits, I've got to give it to her, she's got some awesome one-liners.