Thursday, December 30, 2010

And...That's a Wrap.

2010.  It came. It went. All is good.  Not to shrug it off without saying it was anything but a fantastic year, but for some reason, we seem to have the best years when they're the 'odd' years.  Yet again, we are 'outside the box!' 
2005-Got married
2007-Bug was born
2009-Monkey was born
2011...we shall see...(not expecting any little ones anytime in the next year, so hopefully there will be something other than the birth of a child to celebrate!)

So the decorations have all  been put away, the snow has melted away (for now) and the grass and thermometers look & say it's more like March outside than December, so if that's all ya got for us this winter Mother Nature, we're good here...thanks for playing. 

But even with this year being an 'even' year, we leave 2010 with many good memories...
~Monkey took off walking and lately talking up a storm...god help us! 
~Bug got to see the Nutcracker as well as her first movie, Tangled...both a huge success!
~Mama's blog (unintentionally) got her this and these for Christmas, thank you mom!
~Christmas Eve & sushi...a first, and hopefully a new tradition!
~We met some new friends this year that will for sure be friends for life...
~A second new babysitter has been added to the list after tonight...we're getting there, slowly, but surely!
~We couldn't be happier to have TOH home with us each and every day to share in the ridiculous antics that take place in this crazy household!

And we can't go without a few pictures of how we spent the holidays...

'okay...i'm done...'

'not me!'

We are truly blessed and thankful for all that our family has been given...after having the opportunity to spend time with both sides of our families during this holiday season, we were reminded of how lucky we are to have such amazing, loving, wonderful people who care for us as much as they do.  Without you, we wouldn't be the people we are today and for that, we thank you.  Here's to a very happy 2011...may it be just as good, if not better than the last!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010







So Close

The Nutcracker.  One of my favorite Christmas traditions.  I went with my family in Pittsburgh when I was little, I've gone with my husband's family in Erie in years past (before children...yes, I love it that much), and this year was our first year to start the tradition of taking our little one.  Even more exciting was the fact that TOH was asked to read the opening story, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' and Bug was invited to sit on his lap while he read.  I wasn't involved whatsoever, but I think I was the one looking forward to it the most. 

For some reason, I thought she would eat it up and have no issues sitting on stage with him with other little boys and girls that were in the play.  However I forgot one minor detail:  the curtain would open and there would be 2,700 hundred pairs of eyes staring at her.  Enter her exit.  Actually, she didn't even make it that far.  We took her up on stage as they were preparing everything for the show, we practiced sitting in the chair, and then she said, as politely as she always does, "I am ready to go home now, thank you."  And my dream was shot.  I tried my best to convince her that she would be fine, while sitting there knowing that I surely would be peeing my pants if I had to do such a thing...(a mom's gotta try!)...but she's not dumb...

So, away we went back to our seats, and enjoyed the entire show from start to finish.  And although she wasn't up there reading with her dad (who did an awesome job!), she was the perfect audience and I couldn't be more proud of her...and who knows, maybe they will be invited back next year and she'll be a year older and a tad braver! 

Grandma and Grandpa traveled from Erie to see the show with us!

Love Grandma Hiya
Aunt Colleen and Aunt Shannon came too!

And maybe next year Monkey will be able to sit still long enough to come with us...
wishful thinking!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Dream Is A Wish...

She is all princess all the time.  I have to remove dress-up costumes before we leave the house, before she goes to bed, pretty much 24/7.  Cinderella is her number one, most favorite, without a doubt.  She roams around the house dancing and singing the songs...constantly.  Thank god I love Cinderella as much as she does.  So putting her in dance class was one of the easiest decisions I've ever made with her.  She has loved it from day one and a day does not pass without her asking if she can go to dance.  Love it. 

So Bug has been taking lessons for a little over 3 months and last week the teacher told us to bring our cameras because they would have something special for us.  So tonight, all four of us packed up and headed to class.  We waited in anticipation, and for the last ten minutes of class, we were completely entertained. 

A bunch of little three-year-olds all dressed up like angels...and they danced.

Well, at least most of them danced...

When Bug saw her dad, she froze...she couldn't stop staring at him and smiling.
It melted my heart.
I love that she loves dance.
I love that she loves her dad even more.

She finally 'de-mesmerized' herself and started dancing...
a little behind the rest...

She cracked us up the entire time...
I wanted to cry, but couldn't because I was laughing too hard.

The gift of happiness that this little person has given me each and everyday
is beyond anything that could ever be bought.

And she too was given a gift tonight...
in finding out that their recital costumes are none other than...
Dreams really do come true.

It's Here!

The Christmas Spirit has arrived and is in full swing.  We have snow...and a lot of it.  The refrigerator is covered with cards from family and friends.  The Fed Ex man is starting to be a regular at our doorstep each morning. Ellie the Elf has now needed to find new, more difficult places to land in the morning.  We had pre-Christmas in Erie with family last weekend where snow angels were made and snowmen were built.
And for the record, Uncle John is by far the best snowman 'architect' (which he prefers to be you John!)...he had that guy up in a matter of seconds!
More Chirstmas family fun is on tap for this weekend, as many are traveling from afar to celebrate TOH and Bug as they read the opening story, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' at The Nutcracker.  Pretty good stuff. 
And that's not it, more family comes to visit the following weekend for more celebrating and good times. 
Bug has been making cards for Baby Jesus to wish him a Happy Birthday...and then asks how old he is going to be...She saw Santa for the first time (at Wal-mart to boot) and couldn't jump up into my arms fast enough...needless to say she has yet to sit on his lap.  Maybe next year.
Christmas shopping is done...all in one day.  And I am one proud mama to say that I managed to get everything for the girls for under a hundred bucks.  For all the times I have said how crazy, high maintenance these two are, I do have to give them credit where it's due.  They are seriously happiest when they are playing with the most simple things.  (But I know this will not last!)  Therefore, we will be taking advantage of this while we can!  Balls and balloons will be big hits on Christmas morning.  And of course there has to be 2 of EVERYTHING, because as Monkey's vocabulary has begun to take off, she has learned the word "MINE!" fast and knows exactly how to use it.

Annual Christmas pictures have been taken~we have been so blessed with our little family of four and during this season we give extra special thanks for all that we have to share with eachother.
Thanks, C!
So, here we are buried in snow, playing on couch cushions next to the lit Christmas tree, drinking hot cocoa and coffee, while the smell of dinner cooking away in the crock pot fills the house.  We're off to make some snow angels, play with some friends, and finish the night with a mini-recital at dance class. 

Lovin' the Chistmas Spirit!

Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10th

One awesome day.

32 years ago, my best friend was born.

And this weekend, there will be lots of celebrating... lots (and lots!) of snow...

Happy Birthday!

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Grass is Always Greener

Not today. 
As we look out our window today, we have under two inches of snow.  It's pretty.  It makes it feel like Christmas time.  It's not so much that keeps us from going out and about doing what we had planned for the day.  It's enough to go out and play in, but not be swallowed up in.  It's just the right amount. 
Today in our old stomping grounds...their grass is nowhere close to green.  In fact, it's covered in over a foot of white.  And...they are expecting at least another foot.  The Weather Channel is reporting live from there.  School was cancelled.  I lived there for three years and we never missed a day of school. 


I do not miss nor envy you today, Erie.  You can keep your millions of inches of snow and I will enjoy my small, perfect version of my winter wonderland here with no complaints. 
However...I do look forward to playing in it as we head back to what should just be called the North Pole to celebrate TOH's 32nd birthday this weekend!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Day of Firsts

December 1st...very fitting for a day of many firsts.  It's my first post of the month, and my first post in many weeks (the holiday craze has begun!). 

We woke up this morning to the first snow...funny, considering I was mowing the lawn and putting up Christmas lights two days ago...(yes, I mow the lawn, and I like it...think alone time from the children...)

'Ellie' made her first return from visiting Santa at the North Pole last night...our first go at Elf on the Shelf...

We had new friends over to play today for the first time and had a blast...pretty sure they will become regulars :)

The Christmas candles were lit for the first time...think this was my most favorite first of the day.

Christmas cards...ALL of them...done.  This is a MAJOR first for me.  I'm usually a 3rd week of December 'mailer'...taking the year off last Christmas left me feeling extremely guilty, so this year, it was the priority.

Christmas songs were finally allowed to be listened to in the car today...after 3 weeks of skipping over them :)

The advent calendars begin today.

And tonight, the house will be lit...

December 1st is a good day.