Thursday, July 21, 2011


Saying it's hot is being kind.

It's 'toes in the water all day long' hot.

This is where we are.

Out of the past 11 days...

we've been here 9.

What a difference a year makes-no fear!

Stay cool, friends!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Possibly Useful Randomness

Having your 'easy' child first is punishment.  I guess that's what I get for always thinking Bug was a difficult baby.  Payback is biting me big time.

When your oldest child is done with diapers-completely-it is the absolute best feeling in the world.  For me, it is even better than 'day' potty-trained.  I think this may be the first milestone that has not made me cry!

Homemade pesto.  There's nothing better. 

A half-bottle of blood red nail polish all across your carpet + a bottle of hydrogen peroxide=heart attack avoided.

Two years (5 visits) later, Bug has finally realized the dentist is not out to get her.  Only 4 more visits and Kater-tot will hopefully catch on too. 

Pool memberships.  Essential.  Fabulous.  I like myself a lot more when I'm tan.

Trying to get a 2 year old to stay in a big bed is a real battle.  When we did it with Bug, she was 18 months and was too scared to get out.  This one, like with everything else, has zero fear.  I am determined to win this.  Pray for me. 

No matter how you say it: 'goodbye' 'see you soon' 'until next time' still sucks.  Not having certain people in your life is a real downer.

Redbox was a fantastic invention.

Hope the weekend was great!

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Y Factor

When Bug was born almost 4 years ago, she was the only girl born amongst a sea of boys.  She has always been 'one of the boys' and despite all of her princessy ways, she found a way to fit in pretty well.  When we moved away from all of those boys, she then fell into a pool of girls.  They were everywhere.  The park, the library, you name it. 
That is...with one exception.

This little guy...

He's been there for as long as she can remember.

Pumpkin & apple picking

Christmas mornings

Endless Finding Nemo movie dates

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Birthdays

Their days of joy were neverending

I think it's pretty safe to say she loves this kid with everything she's got.  She is going to miss him.  A lot.  As we prepare to say 'see you soon' tomorrow, and we know we will see them soon, it will not be easy.  Not one bit.  A major piece of our fun times will be thousands of miles away.  But they will always be remembered...and with big smiles on all of our faces.  Thanks so much for the past 3 years and here's to planning a wedding in 25!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Hope this finds you all enjoying your 4th of July celebrations!  While the fireworks are going crazy outside our house, we have our own little show going on inside this weekend...

Look who's sleeping in her big girl bed!!  I will admit, aside from being super-excited that she loves her bed, I was definitely sad when we took down the crib for the first time since putting it up for Bug four years ago.  A mix of no more cribs and (hopefully) soon-to-be no more diapers is a recipe for some tears (no surprise there, right?!)  for this mama whose girls are growing up way too quickly!