Monday, January 9, 2012


They say your year begins/ends like a lion or a lamb.  The end of our year was anything but Mary's little friend. That lion was big. It was loud. It was adventurous. We have to go back-like end of October back-to get the full picture (and also see why I was invisible in the blogging world).

We threw Grandma her first surprise birthday party, best friend's baby was showered, and the girls stocked up on enough sugar to get them (and us) through the rest of the year.  Novemeber...while most were filling up on turkey, we filled up our tanks and drove over 1400 miles in 10 days.  Grandparents birthdays, soaked up time with friends who now live way too far, TOH's big #33, job interviews, a beautiful wedding, three friends welcomed three new baby boys, and oh, Thanksgiving was in there too.  Onto mid-December...finally got to catch up and enjoy some much needed friend time with those around home, Nutcracker Round II (and this time with Kater-tot who loved it and did awesome!), built gingerbread houses, played at the park because it is apparently March here, celebrated Christmas week with both sets of grandparents, and welcomed in the New Year at home. It was wonderful.

..trying to get 6 girls under 4 to look..not even worried about smiling..

Now the decorations have been packed away, the snow is obviously taking a year off, the house has been organized from top to bottom in the event of a quick move (that's all the info I can give as far as expanding on the interviews!), and the holiday pounds have been oh-so-nicely packed on. 
2011 was good.  No complaints.  Odd years have always seemed to be better for us for some 'odd' reason, but I just have a feeling 2012 is going to be pretty great.  It's already off to a good start with my best friend becoming a mom to a perfect, amazing little boy...we just booked our summer vacation at the beach...and my brother and sister-in-law found out they are expecting again!! 

Oh yeah, and in a few short weeks, we are Florida-bound.  Like I said, pretty great.  Here's to a very happy 2012!

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