Saturday, August 27, 2011

No Turning Back

The papers have arrived.

The check has been cashed.

Nope...didn't buy a house.

And these are not postcards that I am sending to future students.

This is for my student.

It came in the mail today.

She's going.  In 9 days.  On her birthday.

She could not have wished for a better birthday gift.  She is so excited, she doesn't even know what to do with herself.  After getting the postcard today, she has been running all over the house saying, 'I love you, Mrs. 'X' (her teacher), I can't wait to meet you!'

Am I happy for her excitement?  For sure.  Especially considering child #2 is going to be the extreme opposite.  Gotta live it up while I'm can.  I am thrilled for her...for the new friends she is going to make, the knowledge she is going to gain, the fun she is going to have, and all the awesome experiences she is about to embrace.

But am I sad as ever?  Absolutely.  I have left her before.  I worked for the first 18 months of her life.  But it was me leaving her.  Having her leave me is different.  I'm still going to be here at home, but without her.  It won't be the same.  I am going to miss her (and here come the tears!) and the abundance of joy she brings to my days.  She, Kater-tot and I have been together everyday for the past 2 years and it's just weird to think about what it will be like to have just one little girl at home. 

But switching over to the positives will be so great for Kater-tot to have her own time.  She has been Bug's shadow all this time and now she gets her chance.  I am excited for her.  And as much as she is going to miss her sister while she's gone, I'm pretty sure she's going to love 'her' time.

So, lots to look forward too.

It's going to be good.

For all of us.

1 comment:

  1. This was such a moment for me too. I can see the glow on her face that she is so excited. But I can't believe that it has really been 4 years and that the time has come for her to venture out. She will love every minute and gain so many things. It is hardest on those left behind. But Kater Tot and Mom with have new special times together.
