Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Quick Rewind

6am...My final shower that I take as a 'me.'  Not a 'mom.'  For you moms out there, you know what I mean.

7:30am  They break the water.  Not one of the most pleasant things I've experienced in my life.  But after several non-stress tests, they said it's what was best for the baby...so, we follow directions. 

8am...Pitocin begins its magic.

9am...I am seriously wondering why people complain about this...I am reading magazines, watching tv, eating popsicles...Life is good.

11am.  Bam.  Crying.  Hard.  Please.Stop.The.Pain. 

11:30am...I tried really, really hard to go as long as I could, but it was so extemely painful and I had no idea how much longer it was going to go on, so I went straight for them.  Drugs.  Now.  Please.  Thank you.

11:40am...Wow.  Back to normal.  Time for a quick nap. 

2pm...We're 6 hours in...baby looks good, no issues, about 8cm along.  Dr. says we're doing great.  Whatever you say. 

3pm...Go time.  WHAT?  Now??  But I don't know how?  'Push like you have to go to the bathroom.'  Oh...ok? 

5pm...Have been pushing for 2 hours...to be blunt...I suck at it.  Have no idea what I'm doing.  Everyone writes books and tells you what to do throughout those 40 weeks of having the baby inside your belly, but no one tells you how the heck to get it out!  My legs hurt like they have never hurt before.  I felt pain that I have never felt before.  In my head, I told myself this kid was going to be an only child. 

5:17pm...We became parents.  She was beyond amazing.  Big. Happy. Beautiful.

My two fondest memories as they swept her away for all the 'medical mysteries' they do in those first few minutes were: #1...asking the nurse if it was really supposed to hurt that bad....her response:  "No, honey...I'm really sorry...that epidural definitely did not work."  Oh. Fabulous.  Well, that makes me feel better.  And she also continued to explain to me how much harder the contractions are when you are induced.  I now consider myself Superwoman.  #2...I was hungrier than I have ever been in my life.  Other than a few dozen popsicles, I had not eaten anything in 24 hours, and for those of you who know me and how I like to eat, this was a lifetime.  All I remember is them handing me a menu as soon as they took Bug out of my arms and that turkey sandwich could not have arrived any faster.

Those were the hardest, most joyous, most memorable 12 hours of my life.  Seeing what I was able to put myself through, watching TOH and I together as we welcomed the first of our two loves into our lives, and immediately transitioning into the roll of 'parents' in such an instant...it was just mind-blowing.  From day one, she has been an absolute joy and we are honestly the luckiest people alive to have her as our daughter.  I never imagined that such a tiny little person could bring such an abundant amount of joy. 

Happy Birthday, Bug! 

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