Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nothing Like Old Friends

I've already given the background on the big "Girls Weekend" in an earlier post, so I thought I would just follow up with some fun highlights of how it went...needless to say, it was fantastic!

We all got in on Friday night and our first choice was to dive into margaritas and sangria...and then rather than checking out one of the local watering holes (which is something we would have definitely done 3 years ago!) we were all so exhausted from traveling~and some from working since 6am that day~that we headed back to the hotel room for wine instead...(no pictures from this night as we were too busy catching up!)

Saturday morning brought manicures, pedicures, and mimosas...we had the place all to ourselves and they lined all 8 of us all up was perfect!

We followed up with lunch and shopping and then back to the hotel to gear up for the big night out...
or so we thought...

In addition to the endless glasses of wine, we toasted with Shirley Temples when we found out there is a new bundle of joy joining the group this fall!

And this was our final picture of the evening, as we once again, had high hopes of making it out til all hours of the night, however we were reminded of how old we are getting and we called it a night!
(But just to give ourselves some props, we didn't get out of dinner until midnight!)

An awesome weekend that will now be a tradition!

1 comment:

  1. I love this entry Megan. You have a wonderful husband. He compliments your personality and expands your abilities with encouragement. You both work hard to make things work that's called a marriage.
    I love both of you ! Mom
