Friday, November 5, 2010

From Beginning to End

This is how our day began ...

That would be her bookshelf, which I thought she was picking books out to read....ha.

And then a few hours later,
I came out to the kitchen and found her sitting on top of the kitchen table.
(and although my first thought really was 'PICTURE!'...
I took the role of 'good mom, need to give a consequence for this one!)

But thankfully, the day turned around and ended with this...

After soaking up one of the last few days before the snow falls,
we came inside, dove into the treat baskets,
and warmed up with some good old hot chocolate!

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Kate makes me laugh so much ! She IS

    going to gray your hair extremely early ! The

    picture in the bookshelf is just too much. I'm

    glad the day ended much better! These are the

    days that you'll always remember!
