Sunday, November 7, 2010

Oh How Things Change

Turn back the clock 10 years.  I'm 22.  Starting my senior year of college.  We would go out on 'school' nights sometimes until 2 a.m. and make it to our 8 a.m. class.  We would do it again the next night.  Then there were the until who knows when in the morning.  Back then I could handle my fair share of drinks...21 shots on my 21st birthday...(I'm still alive mom!)  We would dance, sing, eat, and bounce back like nothing the next day. 

Today.  Mom of two.  Usually in bed by 11.  I go out maybe once a month.  And on those special occasions, it's now usually dinner followed by low-key, able-to-carry-on-conversation types of establishments.  That is, until the girls come to town.  Two good friends came to visit this weekend and the term 'low-key' is not a part of their vocabulary and that is why I love them.  When I gave them our list of options of where we could go..."We want to dance" was their response.  Done.  We started at a fabulous martini bar, enjoyed an amazing dinner in the middle of Fountain Square, had a few random stops along our way that provided some great laughs, and ended the night just like we intended...on the VIP list and dancing.  Only instead of ending the night like we used to 10 years ago (either because the bar was closing or we had consumed over our limit), we had to go home because...number one, our feet hurt to the point that we couldn't stand up any longer and were leaning on the bar like 80-year old women who needed wheelchaired out of the place, and number two, our ears were ringing so much so that we couldn't hear eachother talk nor the doorman ask us if we wanted stamped when we left so that we could come back in.  Really Embarassing, I know.  Did we have a blast-sure did.  Did we feel old-you bet.  Will we do it again-without a doubt.

It's unbelievable what 10 years can do to you.  And although it did make me feel a little down that I am unfortunately getting older and can't hang with the young crew as well anymore, at the same time it made me feel extremely grateful that I still have great company to go out and have so much fun with while having an awesome family to come to, kiss goodnight, and help nurse these sore feet back to normal today!


  1. But still "oh so beautiful"! Glad you girls had a great time! Next time I hope to join you!

  2. Oh my! This sounds familiar in so many ways ! I love that you had a great time with good friends, and that you're looking to do it again.
    The fact that sore feet is what took you home was the best. Glad you all had a good time!

  3. Sounds like me and my kid isn't even born yet! You look great though Megs :)
