Sunday, May 23, 2010

Only One

She's one.  A year old.  365 days.  Yesterday I was sitting by myself in her room, 9 month pregnant, just imagining if we would have a boy or girl, what he/she would look like, what name we were going to use, what it was going to be like with two kids, and now she is one. 

In so many ways, she and Bug are exactly alike, she... 
has killer blue eyes
loves strawberries, bananas, cheese, yogurt, pasta, chicken
is stubborn
is high-maintenance
is not the best sleeper
loves to go for walks in the stroller
is happiest when she is outside playing

Then there's the differences...sometimes I can't believe that they are sisters because they are so drastically different...but, trust me...they are definitely the perfect mix of both of their parents! 

She is the one that...
loves people, yet she's very shy
is 100% a mama's girl
pulls up on things
has blond hair (that took forever to grow in and is so hard to work with!)
is a peanut, she's so tiny! 
is on the quiet side
makes the biggest mess possible when she eats
gets into everything
is ticklish everywhere
you can't get a diaper on, let alone any clothing because she never sits still
loves having me push her in a shopping cart and go as fast as I can without embarrassing myself
fits into clothes that are actually the accurate age...Bug was in a 2T on her first bday!
has always been an extremely happy baby (happy genes from her dad rather than mom's moody ones!)

And although I cried when we celebrated Bug's first birthday, I have a different outlook on it now...she's only one and look at all the memories we've created already...we have so much to look forward to in the many more years ahead of us! 

("This is delicious!")

("I LOVE birthdays!")

("Wow...this was awesome, but I'm a mess!")



    Sometimes I get wrapped up how much time has passed, rather than focusing on on much time we still have... thanks for putting life into perspective!


  2. I love this post. It is so true that your daughters are so different in many ways. That's what makes Bug - Bug and Monkey who she is. Enjoy every minute. They are changing so fast , and learning so quickly. Each day is a gift to explore the wonderful life we are given. Take time to enjoy the small things for they are the most precious.
