Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Class Nerves...for who?

No nerves for this little ballerina, that's for sure!  Bug started her first shot at dance class and is loving every minute of it!  As you can tell by the pictures, I was the one that was so nervous and excited that I forgot to have her put her shoes on for her first pictures!  She, on the other hand, walked right into the studio, asked me to come in and help get her ballet shoes on, and then she was off to the circle of little girls as if I wasn't even there.  So bittersweet for me...I was so afraid that she was going to be one of the teary-eyed ones who was going to have me stay in the room with her while she danced but then when she took off running, I was excited, but at the same time realizing that she was such a 'big' little girl who was ready to go off and have fun...all on her own.  So that is exactly what she did, and I could not be more thrilled. 
As imagined, her two favorite parts of the class are wearing the PINK tutu (no other color is acceptable for her of course) and putting on those awesome tap shoes!
(better pictures to follow!)

And as she follows down the 'dancing road' that both her aunts and I did when we were young, the big recital in June definitely promises to be a HUGE event!

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