Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I've Tried, I Really Have

There aren't many places out there that I don't enjoy shopping at.  It doesn't matter where, when, or how, give me some cash and watch out.  But today, I think I have finally put one on the list.  I am not going to reveal the name of this 'place' as my point here is not to discourage other people from spending their money there (or even spending our money, because my husband is happy to go there, as he is able to deal with all of the following examples I am about to list)...but rather this is just a personal venting session for me and yet another post for me to come back to when I think it would be a good idea to possibly return there again (as frequent readers know I do this a lot).

I usually do my shopping at one store.  But there are three things that take me into this other store a few times a year:  their holiday scented candles, their store-brand salsa, and their generic 'Advil' (which works just as well as Advil for less than half the price).  Random, right? 
So, today was one of those days.  Every time I go there, I have to give myself a pep-talk...."It's going to be better this time, it's not going to be that busy at this time of day,"  etc.  I get the girls all loaded into the cart and I start to push.  The stupid cart starts squeeking and I am nearly breaking my right wrist to push it.  But if you've ever seen my load the girls in the cart, you know that once their in, I am not switching to a new cart.  Off we go.  This happens EVERY time I am there.  I don't think there is one working cart in that entire store. 
Moving on.  As I am trying to work my P.O.S. cart through the aisles, which is another huge issue I have due to the fact that the aisles aren't wide enough to get past other customers or see them when you are turning the corner...they have now decided to put extra displays at the ends of the aisles to make carting around nearly impossible.  I am starting to get a bit fired up.  Have already crashed my cart into two others and I'm only in the 3rd aisle. 
Oh...forgot to mention the produce that I picked up back at the beginning.  Rotten.  Disguisting.  Guess we're eating jarred fruit this week.

And as I am crashing my cart into person after person, I am kindly apologizing and smiling.  You would think they would smile back,  or laugh with me as they hear my cart and see me struggling to get around....uh, no.  Nothing.  They either throw me dirty looks and with their eyes say 'get the hell out of my way' or they are so clueless and talking on their cell phone that they don't even notice they are in the way.  At this point, I think I had smoke coming out of my nose and ears so I decided to jump ship.  I got my necessary items and will return to my 'store of choice' for my leftover items tomorrow. 

I don't want to not like this store.  As I said at the top, I was not born to not like shopping.  But after many chances, and these same exact scenarios occuring each time, I am sadly left with no other choice in order for me to keep my sanity.  At first I thought it was just me and my bad luck, but even I don't have that much bad luck.  But not to worry, TOH will back in a few weeks to pick up Christmas-scented candles and some salsa while I stay back at home...happy :)

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