Thursday, September 30, 2010


The temperatures have dropped, I have used my crockpot three times this week, my first (large) fall candle is almost finished, we've gone through two bags of candy corn, I've had more than a dozen pumpkin spice lattes, and I pulled out my ever-so- favorite 'bin' yesterday.  It was full of my sweaters, shoes, boots, scarves, and purses.
It's here.  Fall has finally arrived.  I'm beyond thrilled.

Change #2 that also brings me much joy...TOH's (I think I have adopted this as husband's new nickname...'the other half')new schedule has been a marvelous change to our days.  I am a very big fan.  He is home just in time for lunch each day, we take walks before their naps, then we have dinner, play outside, dress up :)  Good, good times.

And probably the most fun change of all is this weekend's celebration.  A dear friend is joining the 'mom-club' in a few short weeks and this weekend we are showering her and her sweet baby boy.  She and her husband are not only going to be the kindest, most caring parents...but by far, the coolest and most fun!  Love you, Amo!

I haven't always been open, nor very good with change.  But these changes are all awesome events that bring lots of excitement...that makes me one happy girl on these cool, fall days!

1 comment:

  1. I am so bad with change, too!
    So nice to have that great fall weather here also.
