Monday, September 13, 2010

Emotional Overload

Being an athlete in high school, I was used to being physically exhausted.  But never do I ever remember feeling as drained and numb as I do today.  I will forever remember this day.  In a matter of six short hours, I went from feeling excited to anxious, then worried, nervous, & scared all wrapped into about thirty minutes, and then finally sad, heartbroken, and mournful. 

I woke up this morning to a day full of change.  Two years ago at this time, I was teaching full-time, 6 weeks pregnant, and mom to a newly-turned one year old.  My awesome other half worked Sunday through Thursday 2nd shift, so we only saw eachother from Friday at 4pm until Sunday at 2 pm...less than 48 hours a week.  For the past year, after making the decision to stay home with the girls, we have been in the routine where we would spend the morning with dad, and then he would go off to work from 2pm-11pm.  But as of today, lots of good changes have taken place and he is now home with us for the majority of the day...lunch, playtime, dinner, bath, and bedtime.  We girls are thrilled, better yet, ecstatic.  Pretty sure he is too. 
On to worried, nervous, & scared...we were told today that Monkey has to have surgery next week.  It's a minor surgery, but still, it's surgery.  I'm a bit of a put it lightly. 

And finally, as I was dealing with the news regarding Monkey, I got a call that I was hoping to never have to receive.  A very, very dear friend was given some terribly sad news today, and as soon as I heard the message, I knew.  I am devastated and have been sick to my stomach since hearing the news.  I have been asking 'why' all day, but I know I need to stop, accept it, and continue on.  My friend was actually the one to calm me down during our hour-long phone call.  I admire the strength, compassion, and true beauty of this person and I cannot send enough of my prayers and thoughts their way.  Things will get better, I do have faith. 

Today was hard.  Extremely hard.  It was an emotional roller coaster that I took about 3 rides on.  I will not lie and say that I am sitting here with dry eyes like I was hoping I would after writing about it.  But until my baby girl is sleeping soundly in her bed, post-surgery, and my friend is laughing and smiling with me again, I am not sure I can say that I won't tear-up at the drop of a hat.  I'm emotional, and today pulled extremely hard on my heart.


  1. PRAYING FOR YOU and sending your a virtual hug!

  2. We will be thinking of you guys Megs

  3. that friend was laughing yesterday and i could hear her smiling through the phone. promise!!!!
