Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2, 2007

It was a beautiful, end of summer day...a Monday afternoon.
I was sitting on our front porch reading my bible at the time, What to Expect When You're Expecting, and anxiously awaiting.
I was due with Bug today.
I guess it's a first-time mother's naiveness to think that all babies come either before or exactly on their due date.
I walked 2 miles, I ate spicy foods, I went to the grocery store hoping I would have to throw a jar of pickles on the floor to hide the fact that my water broke...I tried every old wives trick in the book.
And nothing.   She was one happy little camper and was in no hurry to join the world just yet. 
So we sat, and waited...


  1. I'm right there with ya' sister... this waiting is KILLING me... any day this week seems good - having to wait until NEXT week; doesn't seem like an option!

    Loved the throwing a jar of pickles on the floor comment - headed to the grocery after nap time to try and walk him out... but so far, none of the wives tales are working :)
