Friday, September 24, 2010

Little (Hilarious) Lawyer

They know what they want. They fight hard to get it. They argue for a living.
This is the new stage that Bug is currently in.  
At her annual check-up a few weeks ago, our pediatrician placed this perfect label on her back.  He said that is what he calls this age group and I couldn't agree more. 
I say "I love your dress"  she says..."No, you don't."
I say "We're going to Addie's house to play today!" she says..."No we're not."
I say "Aren't these cookies delicious?"  she says..."No, they're not."
It's pretty annoying after awhile, but also pretty damn funny.  I could tell her I'm going to buy her a huge princess castle and she would tell me I'm not.  God love her. 

And in between all of my worrying and stressing yesterday...she managed to crack me up quite a few times...some quotes from the day:

As I walked into her room to wake her up in the morning (I was dressed and ready to go to the hospital)...from a deep sleep, she sits straight up in bed, looks at me and (nicely) yells, "What happened to you??!!"  (she didn't understand why I wasn't still in my pajamas!)

While we are in the waiting room at the hospital, we get a text message from our good friend (who, mind you, is 35 weeks pregnant with a 2-year old toddler at home) graciously took on watching her for us saying they just had a discussion that went something like this..."Well, Bug, that's because boys have boy parts and girls have girl parts."  Oh my. 
Thank you, Corey!

And finally, when we were pulling into the garage last night from dance class, as I put up the door, she burts out with, "IT"S HOTA KOTB!!"  (from the Today show)  WHAT??!!  Where the heck did that come from??  And then she just cracked up laughing.

Exactly what I needed after the day I had. 

1 comment:

  1. Bug always seems to know when to come up with her best phrases at the perfect time.
    she brightens your day with her deep thoughts.
    It is so good that she senses when she needs to bring one out. I'm so glad that everything is "Back to normal"
