Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Room for One

A great mom once told me, "Always find some time in your day to have 'me' time...even if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom."

I really do stand behind this and believe everyone should have some 'me' time each day.  But as we all know, the days can get crazy (whether you have kids or not) and sometimes you can't seem to find the time. 

On the days when that time isn't looking like it's gonna happen, I try to work a five minute shower into those short 24 hours, hoping that it will give me some peace (that's right, a daily shower doesn't always make the cut, please do not judge!).  Funny how the girls' new obsession is showers.  Lovely.  Adios to those 5 minutes. 

A girl has to go use the bathroom at least what, 5 times a day...that should equal out to 5 or so minutes, right?  Not in this house. 

I don't know what is so fascinating about that damn bathroom, but I can't seem to go in there without the pitter-patter of two pairs of little feet following close behind.  I even kindly tell them, "Mama will be right out, go play for a minute..."  Nope.  Not having it.  It's like I am hiding a candy store in there and they think I am sneaking treats while behind closed doors.  There is absolutely no personal space.  And if you've been in my master bathroom, it's about the size of a kitchen pantry.  Claustrophobic issues.  Thank goodness the three of us are all female and I don't have to worry about having the boy/girl talk every time we have our 'bathroom parties' because that would just be a whole other issue!  God love my girls, but I may just need to start locking that door...

Nope.  Couldn't and wouldn't do it. 

But man, I need to find a way to pee in peace.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that I am not the only one... YOU once wrote me a note and told me to "Always find some time in your day to have 'me' time...even if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom"... yes... hard to do! I too cannot pee in peace, however I do have the why doesn't mommy have a wienee talk, DAILY! I also have the little naked boy who has stripped off all his clothes and snuck into my shower... It warms my heart to know that I am not the only one... I seriously thought we were weird... and I too cannot handle that CRY when I TRY to lock the door... I just can't do it. Love ya... thanks for writing!!!!
